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Recreation Commission Minutes 2004/05/07
Independence Day Committee
May 7th, 2004

Present were members: Robert Couture, Dina Cutting, Jim Mayers, and Jodie Rich.
Absent: JJ Pippin-Finley (sick child)

The two newly appointed members were welcomed and quickly named Chicken Chairs.

The committee briefly went over what took place last year and discussed what could happen to make thing better.

Dina will set up a meeting with Chief Field and Chief Hinsley to discuss parking and safety issues. Followed was a brief discussion concerning changing the starting point for the parade. Jim Mayer felt it would be much safer for all to start at the Alden Inn end of the Common, we could utilize Curt Vinsons parking lot for lining up the parade, and the vehicles could line up going down Market Street (hardly any traffic). This would get the starting and ending point away from Route 10. The parade can not stop traffic on Route 10 for more than 10 minutes. Moving the starting point may help with this. Last year there were some concerns with children running around unsupervised and crossing route 10 to get back to the Common. The Committee felt it would be much safer to go with Jim’s idea. This will be discussed at the meeting with Pauline. Jim will check with Curt Vinson and make sure this is okay with him.

*We need two people to help with traffic control. Robert Couture will find them and let Pauline know who they are.

The Committee reviewed the draft Jodie wrote. Okayed for sending out in the Church News Letter. This is just an “its coming soon and there will be a more detailed note at a later date” notice. The Committee felt it was important to have a letter at a later date to explain the Parade directions and safety concerns. Jody will do this after the meeting with Chief Field and Chief Hinsley.

Entertainment was discussed: The Town Band can not be at the celebration this year, they have a previous commitment. Next Year is all set!!!! Dan Friehofer is back in town and is checking with his band friends to see if he can pull something together. The Committee would be asked to only reimburse a couple of members who have to travel. $100.00-$200.00. This would fit in to our budget because The Lyme Town Band in the past has been about $150.00

Food was discussed:
We will do 325 chicken halves, hotdogs, rolls, beans, Mac salad, lemonade, pies and brownies. The chicken plates will be $7.00 and the hotdog plate will be $5.00 the same as last years. Dina will line up all the people to work serving the meal. She will also met with JJ to order everything from Lyme Country and decide who is getting what for supplies.
Parking: Elise Garrity is working with Chief Field. They will take care of the parking in the field. We will also discuss the boat landing and beach parking areas with Chief Field at the meeting we will be setting up.

There was a brief discussion concerning making our own grill. Donald Cutting has an old oil drum. If things go well financially this year we may look into what the cost may be. Robert Couture said he would check into the prices of what we would need.

List of who will do what:
Robert Couture will take care of finding wood to burn for the cooking of the chicken.
Jody, write the church News letter
Dina set up meeting with Chief Field & Chief Hinsley
Dina will contact Dan Friehofer concerning the band
Robert Couture will find 2 people to help with traffic for the parade

The meeting wrapped up about 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Dina Cutting