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Recreation Commission Minutes 2004/09/27
September 27
Lyme Recreation Commission Minutes

Present: Katherine Cramer, Doug Vogt, Richard Jones, Kerry Beck, Kathleen Henriques

·       No August minutes were reviewed or approved due to no quorum at August meeting
·       May minutes were accepted as presented by unanimous vote
·       Discussion took place re: Amendment to Recreation by-laws which would allow selectmen to give approval of overnight boat parking/storage only at Post Pond only by Post Pond landowners with water access only to property; concern was raised of fairness of this approval because it was exclusive to those land owners only; this was voted on and approved
·       Stephanie Carney presented proposal for Yoga class to be held at Academy Building, preferably on Thursday evenings 5:45pm-7:15pm; Academy Building policy re: use of this building was reviewed; also discussed that if this is a town recreation associated program that there would be no charge for use of building; motion was made and passed unanimously to support this program; thanks Stephanie for this proposal
·        Recreation Director’s monthly report had been submitted to commission prior to meeting and was reviewed by KC; concern over difficulty finding basketball commissioner was noted
·       KC reviewed call from Lisa Damron, Lyme School Physical Education teacher, which informed recreation commission of her plan to hold after school program in gymnasium during the month of November; Lisa wanted to make sure time did not conflict with basketball program which input was that it would not
·       Commissioner of ski program has informed commission that she plans to hold registration prior to Thanksgiving which will allow for more time to train ski program instructors
·       Discussion of “on-ground” (parking lot) ice rink pilot program last winter took place; much success by users of this has been reported to different members of commission; proposal for ice rink this winter will be presented at next months meeting
·       Pumpkin Festival is again being organized and planned for Saturday October 30; assistance has been requested for two more people to work traffic control; DV and KB volunteered to do this;
·       Budget for upcoming year was discussed; worksheet is due October 22; suggestions were offered re: this process
·       Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm; next meeting October 28 7pm at Academy Building