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Planning Board Agenda 2011/05/12
Town of Lyme
Planning Board
1 High Street, P.O. Box 126
Lyme, NH  03768
Telephone: 795-2661 Fax:  795-4637

May 12th, 2011

The Lyme Planning Board will meet on May 12th, 2011at 7:00 PM at the Municipal Offices at 1 High Street to consider the following items:
Item 1:  Accept the minutes from the April 28th meeting

Item 2: Wayne Pike – Lot Line Adjustment. Roberta & Wayne Pike and Tyler Rich, have applied to the Lyme Planning Board  for a lot line adjustment to annex      approximately 25 acres from lot 18, tax map 421 to lots 5 and 7 on tax map 421.

Item 3: Pat Hill has requested an informal site plan review to discuss Ledyard Bank Entrance Modifications.

Item 4: Jane Fant has applied to the Lyme Planning Board for approval for a Lot LineAdjustment between her two lots located                 at 171 and 173 Dorchester Road ( Tax map 409 Lots 12.1 and 12.2) Jane has requested to move 3920 square feet (0.09                      acres ) from Lot 12.1 to lot 12.2.

Respectfully Submitted

David A Robbins
Planning and Zoning Administrator