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Planning Board Minutes 2011/07/28
Lyme Planning Board Minutes

Board Members and Staff Present: David Roby, Chair;  John Stadler Vice Chair;   Simon Carr Select Board Representative; Vicki Smith Member; Tim Cook Member; David Robbins Planning and Zoning Administrator

Board Members Absent: Freda Swan Alternate; Ben Kilham Alternate; Sam Greene Alternate

Members of the Public Present: Peter Treadwell, Don Metz

Chairman Roby opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Item 1: Lot Line Adjustment – Peter Treadwell Tax map 408 Lots 47.1 and 47.2

John led the Board through the checklist to ensure the application was complete.
It was noted that the plans did not include existing drainage structures and drainage ways and zoning districts were not shown on the plans. (Items II A.7 & 8 and III B of the Lot Line Adjustment plan requirements from the Subdivision Regulations.)

Vicki made a motion that items II A.7&8 be waived because the items were not pertinent to the Lot Line Adjustment, and the application be accepted as complete. John seconded the motion.
Chairman Roby called for a vote and the motion passed unanimously.

The Board discussed with the applicant the steep slopes that were located in the area and the need to prove that the proposed building and the proposed new driveways were not being built on steep slopes before a zoning permit could be issued.

The Board felt that the proposed building location and the proposed driveways should not be on the plan and requested that they be removed from the final plat.

Vicki moved that the Lot Line Adjustment be approved with the following conditions:
  • The owner name on abutting lot 408  70.2 be corrected from “Don Metz and Melina Ashley Trustees” to “Don Metz and Melinda Ashley Trustees”
  • The proposed driveways and house site be removed from the plans
  • The following text be added to the plat:
The two 1.76 acre portions of the lots shown on this plan shall not be deemed or considered to be separate lots of record and will be either remain as they are or be transferred as indicated on the plan where upon they will be merged into the adjacent lots as combined single lots of record.

A deed restriction shall be placed in the body of the deed or other instrument of transfer stating as follows: “The grantee(s) by virtue of acceptance of this deed agree(s) that the 1.76 acres annexed from Lot 47.1 on tax map 408 shall not be deemed or considered a separate lot of record, but shall be regarded as merged into and made an integral part of lot 47.2 on tax map 408 so that the same shall hereafter be one combined single lot of record and that the 1.76 acres annexed from Lot 47.2 on tax map 408 shall not be deemed or considered a separate lot of record, but shall be regarded as merged into and made an integral part of lot 47.1 on tax map 408 so that the same shall hereafter be one combined single lot of record”

John seconded the motion.
Chairman Roby called for a vote and all Board members voted to approve the Lot Line Adjustment

Item 2: Master Plan
Chairman Roby shared a copy of the “Protected Open Spaces Land and Trails” map for the Town of Hanover. The Planning and Zoning Administrator will use this map as a template for a map in the master plan showing the conserved lands in Lyme.

There was a short discussion on adding an arts section to the Master Plan. Chairman Roby agreed to gather some more information and a draft section to present to the Board.

Tim had called the Society for the Protection of NH Forests to confirm the number of acres the Society had easements for in the Town of Lyme. The total acres are 263. The Planning and Zoning Administrator will correct the tables in the Master Plan.

Item 3: Acceptance of minutes from July/14/2011

Simon moved to accept the minutes from the July 14th 2011 meeting as corrected.
John seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously

Item 4: Acceptance of minutes from July/21/2011

Vicki moved to accept the minutes from the July 21st 2011 meeting as submitted
John seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously

Item 5: Letter of support for a HUD grant for UVLSRPC
Dan Brand, Lyme’s representative to the Lake Sunapee Upper Valley Regional Planning Commission requested the Planning Board write a letter of Support for the Planning Commission’s HUD grant. The Board has requested that Dan draft a letter and requests more information as to the nature of the grant request.   

Item 5: Ray Lobdell’s work on the Loch Lyme Lodge Property
The Planning and Zoning Administrator had spoken with Town Counsel on the contract with Ray Lobdell, the applicant will need to place in an escrow account with the town enough money to cover the cost of the proposed work. Ray will be paid out of this account, any funds left over would be returned to the applicant.

The applicant has requested that Ray review the two lakeside lots in addition to the Lodge lot. The Planning and Zoning Administrator will contact Ray and get a new estimate of cost.

Item 6: Possible joint meeting with the Zoning Board for Dowd’s Inn.
The Planning and Zoning administrator brought to the Boards attention the possibility that Dowd’s Inn may request a joint meeting between the Planning Board and the Zoning Board in regards to the Inns proposed tavern addition.

The Board felt that section 7.1 of the Site Plan Review regulations was clear in that the applicant shall receive any Special Exception or Variance before applying to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review. The Board cited in, RSA 676:2 Joint Meetings and Hearings, “Each board shall have the discretion as to whether or not to hold a joint meeting with any other land use board”. The Board indicated that they would rather hold a separate Site Plan Review hearing after the zoning issues had been addressed.

Item 7: Continuance of Loch Lyme Lodge from the June 23rd meeting

Ray Lobdell has not started any of his work at this time so Vicki moved to continue the hearing to the Board’s regular meeting on September 22nd, 2011.
John seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously

At 8:45 pm John moved to adjourn
Simon seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously

Respectfully Submitted
David A. Robbins
Lyme Planning and Zoning Administrator.