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Planning Board Minutes 2011/02/24
Lyme Planning Board Minutes

Board Members and Staff Present: David Roby, Chair;  John Stadler Co-Vice Chair; Paul Mayo Co-Vice Chair;  Dick Jones Select Board Representative; David Robbins Planning and Zoning Administrator

Board Members Absent: Vicki Smith Member; Sam Greene Alternate; Freda Swan Alternate; Ben Kilham Alternate

Members of the Public Present: Liz Ryan Cole

Chairman Roby opened the meting at 7:03pm

Item 1: Acceptance of minutes from February/17/2011
John moved to accept the minutes as amended by Dick
Paul seconded the motion
The motion passed unanimously.  

Item 2: Meeting on March 3rd

Dick reminded the Board that the annual School District Meeting was being held at 7pm on March 3rd and that it would be better not to hold a Planning Board meeting at the same time.

The Board agreed and decided to cancel the additional meeting scheduled for March 3rd.

Item 3: Continuance of the Woodard Lot Line adjustment.
Due to weather and deep snow, Mr. Woodard has been unable to access the proposed building site to dig test pits for the septic system. He has requested a continuance and has waived the 65 day time limitation set in RSA 676.4 c & f

Dick moved to continue the hearing until March 24th
John seconded the motion.
Four members voted to approve the motion; David Roby recused himself, as he is an abutter.

Item 4: Master Plan
The Board reviewed changes to the following chapters:
        Chapter 3 Transportation
        Chapter 2 Land Use

The meeting adjourned at 8:53pm

Respectfully Submitted
David A. Robbins
Lyme Planning and Zoning Administrator.