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Capital Improvement Plan Committee Minutes 2008/09/15
Draft Minutes:  September 15, 2008
Minutes Approved:  September 29, 2008


Members Present:  Dick Jones, Freda Swan, John Stadler, Francesca Latawiec, and Judy Brotman.

1.      Dick Jones opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.
2.      The Minutes of August 29, 2008 were approved.
3.      The computer projections for the upcoming 5-year cycle were reviewed.  
a.      Dick will document the information in his preferred format, and add software projections to the spread sheet.
b.      Computer hardware replacements are projected on a 4-year schedule.
4.      The Committee agreed to use the historic growth rate for future projections
5.      The committee agreed to use OEP 3.5% increase for our projection number this years.
6.      The committee reviewed the vehicle replacement schedule, and made the following decisions:
a.      Police –
i.      Recommend purchasing all vehicles with a full fit-up of equipment.
ii.     Recommend a -$5000equipment transfer from existing vehicle to future vehicle (relay equipment).
iii.    Recommend purchasing vehicles on a six-year (6 year) interval.
b.      Fire –
i.      Recommend a 3 engine department.
ii.     Recommend replacing the #3 engine on a 24 year cycle.
iii.    Recommend leaving all fire engines on a 24 year cycle.
iv.     Recommend leaving the rescue vehicle on a 20 year cycle.
c.      Highway –
i.      Recommend not replacing the #2 small dump truck.
ii.     Recommend replacing all vehicles on the recommended schedule.
iii.    Recommend trade-in of all replacement vehicles.
d.      Parks –
i.      Recommend leaving recommendation as is.
7.      Other CIP recommendations –
a.      Completion of new town offices s-  recommend $0 additional funding
b.      Completion of the Balch Field improvements – estimated additional funding required to complete at  $25,0000 – not recommended for town contribution
c.      Revaluation CRF – 10 year cycle – recommend funding at $10,000 per year.
d.      Reconfiguration of High Street and Rt. 10 intersection – recommend use of Highway major rebuilding CRF – 2 years out
e.      Transfer station bailer and backhoe – not recommended at this time.  Recommend working toward future consolidated transfer station with abutting town(s).
f.      Public land acquisition fund – recommend adding $5,000 per year to this fund, to be used for future purchase of playing fields and other possible land acquisitions.
g.      New fire station – recommend new CRF at $10,000 per year.
h.      Police request for in-care video – recommend not funding through Capital Funding.
 The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman