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Planning Board Minutes 2007/05/10
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
May 10, 2007

Board Members & Staff:  Present:    Jack Elliott, Chair; John Billings, Member; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; David Roby, Member; Ben Kilham, Alternate; and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator   Absent:  Stephanie Clark, Vice-Chair; Michelle Balch, Member; and Don Dwight, Alternate.

Public:         Elizabeth Kilmarx, Richard Mann, Liz Ryan Cole, and Rich Brown

Jack Elliott called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the town offices.  He appointed Ben Kilham to sit for Michelle Balch.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2007 public meeting.  John Billings seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  John Billings made a correction to the April 26, 2007 meeting minutes stating he had recused himself from a vote.  He made a motion to approve the corrected minutes.  Dick Jones seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Lisa Cohen Minor Subdivision Public Hearing for Tax Map 410 Lot 33.1, Application 07-03:  David Roby recused himself from the proceedings as he was assisting in the presentation of the application.  Elizabeth Kilmarx presented the application on behalf of the owner.  She summarized that the intent of the application is not to do an actual subdivision, but to show that a potential subdivision exists in order to allow the owner to have two primary residences on one lot as allowed under zoning ordinance section 5.11 D. 7.  She provided a 1998 survey of the property which was used in a lot line adjustment application approved by the Planning Board.  This survey was recorded at the Registry of Deeds as #9589 and recorded February 18, 1999.  She stated the topographic information on the survey is not correct, and she used GRANIT information to prepare another topographic map which she provided with the application.  She included several maps in the application which she had prepared using ArcMap GIS:  topographic map, site survey map, conservation district map, a potential subdivision map, and a map she provided during the hearing—the soil classification map.  Elizabeth Kilmarx stated the conservation district information came from the town although she added some known wetlands not shown on the town’s map.  She also presented a lot size and density calculation which showed that a total of five lots could potentially be subdivided from this property.  A list of waiver requests had also been submitted with the application.

The Board reviewed the application for completeness using a worksheet prepared by Victoria Davis.  A waiver for the scale of the maps was requested as the maps are no longer accepted at the Registry of Deeds for recording without a professional seal.  A waiver for a survey was requested as the 1998 survey is already recorded.  The existing State approved septic system for four bedrooms was reviewed and a waiver for the test pits and sewage disposal were not needed.  A waiver for a surface water runoff plan was requested.  A waiver for the preservation of significant natural and historic features was requested and deemed not necessary since an 1800 house was being preserved.  A waiver for flood insurance information was requested as the proposal is not located in a flood plain.

Dick Jones made a motion to waive the requirements of section II, V, and VIII.  He felt the plans presented with the application were not true maps as required under section II. as they do not have professional seals, although they are adequate for the purposes of this application.  He did not believe a surface water runoff, sedimentation, and erosion plan required under V. were needed due to the limited development proposed.  Since the proposal is not within a flood plain the requirements of VIII. are not needed.  Ben Kilham seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Dick Jones made a motion to deem the application complete.  Ben Kilham seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  

The Board reviewed a “Proposed Approval of Lisa Cohen Residential Building” document submitted by David Roby and amended by Victoria Davis.  The applicant also reviewed the amended document.  All agreed to the terms of the document which states the development will occur only within the “building zone” and the decision of the Board for this proposal will limit future development.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the application subject to this document.  Ben Kilham seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  The document was signed by Jack Elliott as Board chair and will be recorded at the Registry of Deeds.  A signed copy was provided to the applicant.

Item 3: Discussion of Loch Lyme Lodge for Public Theatre:  Victoria Davis had forwarded an e-mail regarding the three night theatre use of the Loch Lyme Lodge barn.  She also presented a Planning Board discussion from August 6, 2006 of the very same topic where the use was determined to be grandfathered since the Barkers had used the facility in a similar manner.  She only brought this to the Board’s attention due to the change in Board members and alternates, and because the e-mail was circulated town-wide.  The existing Board again agreed that this was an acceptable use without need for review.

Item 4: Master Plan Discussion:  The Board agreed the Community Attitude Survey Public Meeting on April 25th had been a success and people were very engaged in the interactive exhibits.  Victoria Davis will check on the status of the survey results appearing on the town web page.   Neighborhood meetings will be planned and it was discussed that the various meetings would have similar topics so anyone could attend any of the meetings regardless of where they live.  It was also pointed out that the entire town has an interest in other parts of town where they may not live, but may shop or do business.

Item 5:  Informal Meeting with Liz Ryan Cole and Rich Brown about Loch Lyme Lodge Co-housing Proposal:  Liz Ryan Cole summarized their proposal to have an 18 suite building for co-housing.  She stated there is a co-housing movement around the world, and there are about 100 co-housing projects in the U.S. which are full with waiting lists.  They would like to keep the appearance of the property the same by putting new buildings away from the road.  They do not want to subdivide, but wish to provide communal living for seniors.  Rich Brown stated they were looking for advice on how to make this project work.

Dick Jones responded that while it might be considered by some to be an appropriate use of the property, it did not fit into the zoning of the town.  The Board looked at the tax map and estimated that only four to five lots could be made from the property under the current zoning ordinance.  The property on the east side of Route 10 has 1,075’ of road frontage and 300’ are required per lot.  Even with lot size averaging, 18 units could not be allowed.  A subdivision road is allowed from Route 10, but frontage on a proposed subdivision road cannot be used in dimensional requirements for road frontage.  John Billings pointed out that only six units are allowed per building in a Planned Development, and Planned Developments are not allowed in the Rural District anyway.  Jack Elliott stated this proposal would require a change in the zoning ordinance including, perhaps, a change in the zoning districts.  He added this would be a town decision, and the community attitude survey indicated people did not want “housing co-ops” although they were concerned about senior housing.  In response to Liz Ryan Cole asking if the entire Board was represented, he stated they were welcome to come back another time when more members were present and suggested they look for models of co-housing.  Ben Kilham pointed out the existing cabins could not be grandfathered for year-round use as they had been for transient visitors.  He also expressed concern about the impact of such a proposal on the town’s infrastructure, and that if one co-housing project were approved, it would not be the exception.  

Rich Brown described the membership system which would be used to allow people to visit or purchase a unit under their proposal.  Liz Ryan Cole stated the women at the Utility Club felt this proposal is a good idea.   

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 24, 2007 at the Fire Station:
7:00    Continued review of Coyle Conditional Use Approval and Site Plan Review applications (if survey completed)

Neighborhood Meetings in June:
John Billing’s house – Goose Pond Road Area
Jack Elliott’s house – Lyme Common Area
Stephanie Clark’s house or Lyme Center Academy Building – Lyme Center Area