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Planning Board Minutes 2007/02/08
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
February 8, 2007

Board Members & Staff:  Present:   Freda Swan, Chair; John Billings, Member; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; Simon Carr, Alternate; Ben Kilham, Alternate; Don Dwight, Alternate; and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator   Absent:  Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair; Dan Brand, Member; and Stephanie Clark, Alternate
Public:         None

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Freda Swan suggested adding a sentence to the minutes of January 30th that the Wilmotts had expressed concern about the merging of their property.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 30, 2007 meeting with the amendment.  John Billings seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Appointment of ZBA Alternate:  Victoria Davis read a letter from Jane Fant expressing her interest in the ZBA Alternate position.  Dick Jones made a motion to appoint her as Alternate for three years.  Ben Kilham seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 4: Update of Natural Resources Inventory:  Victoria Davis told the Board the town’s portion of the NRI was complete and had been sent to Watershed to Wetlands to be incorporated into a final document.  She explained the areas in town where volunteers had done field research and showed some maps and species lists of the project areas.

Item 5: Update of Master Plan:  Simon Carr reported he had nothing new to report on the Community Attitude Survey since the last meeting.  He will be gone from March 21st to about April 25th.  The Board reviewed a draft outline for master plan development process provided by Peter Dzewaltowski of the Upper Valley-Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission.  The Board reviewed it and felt although the timing might be overly optimistic, they approved it in principle.  They discussed the need for the completed aquifer study (proposed to begin this year) before making decisions about the expansion of districts or increased density.  Ben Kilham stated the concern about the aquifer contamination from sewage is unlikely as the Lyme Common area is built on substantial silt deposits.  The sewage may enter the wetland, but it cannot penetrate to the aquifer.  Freda Swan asked for Board opinions about allowing more development down Route 10 to Shoestrap Road.  Don Dwight responded it is a more reasonable area for development than Lyme Plain.  Ben Kilham said the town cannot afford to upgrade the back roads for more development.  The Board discussed the survey results to which some respondents did not want any new development and others wanted to allow new development in the center of town and along Route 10.  

Freda Swan read a letter from the Public Service of New Hampshire requesting that towns make property owners aware of PSNH easement protection rights.  Don Dwight suggested putting a requirement in the regulations to make the owner aware of and responsible for easement consideration.  Dick Jones stated the Town should not enforce private easements.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Public Hearing for February 22, 2007 at TOWN OFFICES at 7:30 pm:
Master Plan & Community Attitude Survey Discussion and Update