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Planning Board Minutes 2006/10/12
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
October 12, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  Present:    Freda Swan, Chair; Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; Simon Carr, Alternate; Don Dwight, Alternate;    Absent:  Ben Kilham, Alternate, John Billings, Member; Dan Brand, Interim Member; Stephanie Clark, Alternate; and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Public:         Wayne Tuller; David Avery, John Sanders, and Mike Prince, Communications Committee

Item 1: Wayne Tuller – Informal – Minor subdivision.  
It was questioned whether a subdivision would be possible on the portion of the Tuller property Map 404-10.  There is an existing boundary and right of way to the proposed lot and the existing lot is 49.1 acres according to the tax map.  The proposed lot will not have road frontage, but the subdivision appears to be possible through lot size averaging according to 5.24 of the zoning ordinance. It was represented that the proposed subdivision would probably not affect the portion of the lot on the north side of North Thetford Road.

Item 2: Telecommunications ordinance:
John Sanders discussed the new tower that is in process on Thetford Hill.  The tower should be “live” within a couple of weeks.  This is a Verizon tower.

The conversation turned to a discussion of wireless internet. The types of antennas was discussed and it was represented that internet towers are smaller and “less obtrusive” than cell towers because they are on a lower band width.  The recommendation of the telecommunication committee is that the ordinance should not attempt to describe the type of technology but focus on the view of the antenna and the aesthetic aspect of an installation.  The recommendation is to allow more flexibility than the current ordinance.  There was a discussion about an ordinance that limits the antennas to 20 feet above the surrounding canopy.  There was also a discussion about speaking to Frank Bowles regarding antenna types for internet and an ordinance that may address them.  

Item 2: Minutes corrections:  Don Dwight expressed that minutes corrections should be communicated to the administrator and not between members (this could create a quorum).

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Submitted by,
Jack Elliott