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Planning Board Minutes 2006/09/14
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
September 14, 2006
Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:30 with the following attending all or parts of the meeting:
Board Members & Staff:  Freda Swan (Chair), Dick Jones (Selectboard Representative) and Dan Brand (Member).
Public:  John Mudge, Eleanor Mudge, Philip Harrison (Crossroads Academy), Scott Williams (CLD Engineers) and Joanne Foulk.
Item 1 - Minutes:
John Mudge pointed out that the August 10 minutes incorrectly listed his mother’s name as “Elizabeth” v. “Eleanor”.  After a brief discussion, it was decided to await the presence of the DRAFT minutes’ author before reviewing the August 24 minutes.
Item 2 - Subdivision of Map 403 Lot 29:
Freda Swan opened the continuation of the Public Hearing from August 10.  John Mudge presented a revised subdivision plot dated September 2006.  This plot was reviewed for the inclusion of the four items of additional information requested (inclusion of the conserved parcels between River Road and the CT River; calculation of the steep slopes acreage in the proposed lot 2; calculation of the agricultural soils acreage in proposed lot 2; and inclusion of the existing house, well and septic system on the proposed lot 1).  After the Board determined that the requested additional information was included on the plot, Dick Jones moved and Dan Brand seconded a motion that the application be deemed complete.  The motion carried unanimously.
Freda Swan opened the discussion of approval by saying that the public present at the August 10 hearing voiced no objections to the proposal.  The application was then reviewed for conformance with the applicable ordinances and regulations.  After this review, Dick Jones moved and Dan Brand seconded a motion to approved the subdivision subject to the following:
1.      Lot 3 including all the land between River Road and the CT River be a “conservation lot”.
2.      Lot 2 shall have a septic system approved and constructed in accordance with the then effective Town and State regulations for septic systems at the time of its development.
The motion carried unanimously.
Item 3 – Release of part of the Crossroads Academy Letter of Credit:
Crossroads Academy requested release of part of their $100,000 Letter of Credit to the Town required as a condition of their site plan review.  Scott Williams reviewed his site visit on August 22 with the Board.  Phil Harrison, Dick Jones, Dan Brand, and Don Dwight had also attended the site visit and added their observations to the discussion.  Phil Harrison updated the Board on the status of the recently seeded areas observed on August 22.  Following this discussion, Dick Jones moved and Dan Brand seconded a motion to reduce the Letter of Credit requirement from $100,000 to $10,000.  The motioned carried unanimously with the understanding that before additional work (route 10 improvements, middle school or lower school) is commenced a new Letter of Credit may be required and that at least one additional site inspection will be required by CLD to confirm the entire area has been stabilized.  Phil Harrision agreed to this “understanding”.
The Board farther agreed to review the escrow account balance and release any unneeded funds to Crossroads Academy.
Other Items:
Joanne Foulk brought up her concerns about the safety of Route 10 in the vicinity of Crossroads Academy, The Village and Pond View apartments.  She felt that since Crossroads may not be making the Route 10 improvements (and opening their new access) in the near future, the Town should again request that the State discontinue the passing zone on Route 10 in this area.  The Board agreed to have Joanne Foulk draft a letter to the State to be reviewed and signed by both the Planning Board and Phil Harrison representing Crossroads Academy.
Freda Swan, with the support of the entire Board, thanked Scott Williams for his outstanding work in supporting the Board and Town with the Crossroads Academy project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Richard G. Jones
recorder pro tem