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Planning Board Minutes 2006/08/10
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
August 10, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  
Present: Freda Swan, Chair; Members Dick Jones and John Billings; and Alternate Don Dwight. Absent:  Jack Elliott, Vice Chair; Member Dan Brand, and Alternates Ben Kilham and Stephanie Clark; and Planning & Zoning Administrator Victoria Davis
Public:         Francis Bowles, Elizabeth Mudge, John Mudge, Jean Smith, Mike Smith, and Ross McIntyre
Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:30 pm.
On motion by Dick Jones, seconded by John Billings, Alternate Don Dwight was appointed to serve for Jack Elliott.
After discussion, the corrected minutes of July 13 and July 27 were approved unanimously.
The board interviewed Francis P. Bowles of 56 Horton Lane for the position of Alternate on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and voted unanimously in favor.
Prior to the opening of the 7:45 public hearing the board discussed the Master Plan and agreed to use the regional New Hampshire/Vermont demographic data provided by the Office of Management and Budget, courtesy of Dick Jones. The board further agreed that it needed to complete the tabulation of the attitude survey before scheduling the next Master Plan public hearing.
The public hearing of the petition of Eleanor Mudge for a Minor Subdivision at 376 River Road, Tax Map 403, Lots 28 & 27, opened at 7:45 p.m.
The board voted two waivers after review of the checklist for application completeness. Moved by Dick Jones, seconded by John Billings, and approved unanimously, items II-B-3 and II-B-5 were waived.
At the conclusion of the hearing at 9:00 p.m., the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing until September 14, 2006. Among the items requested of the petitioners for application completeness are:
·       Inclusion of conserved parcels on the map
·       Calculation of steep slope acreage
·       Calculation of agricultural soils acreage
·       Inclusion of existing house, well and septic system on the map (position approximate)
Prior to the close of the hearing the three abutters in attendance — Jean and Mike Smith and Ross McIntyre — spoke in favor of the application.
In other business, Freda Swan reported briefly and enthusiastically about the town mapping project being undertaken by Don Cooke, and she reminded the board about the natural resources inventory meeting scheduled for August 16.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Donald R. Dwight, acting secretary