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Planning Board Minutes 2006/06/22
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
June 22, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  Present:    Freda Swan, Chair; Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair; John Billings, Member; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; Stephanie Clark, Alternate; Don Dwight, Alternate; Dan Brand, Alternate; and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator.
Absent:  Ben Kilham, Alternate    Public:  Simon Carr

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Minutes of the April 27th, May 11th, and May 25th meetings were sent to Jack Elliott to incorporate proposed changes to the minutes.  He presented the minutes as amended.  Dan Brand made additional changes during the meeting.  Victoria Davis suggested additional corrections to the minutes of the May 25th meeting.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the amended minutes of April 27th.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the amended minutes of the May 11th meeting.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the amended minutes of May 25th.  John Billings seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Minor corrections were made to the minutes of the June 8th meeting during the current meeting.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the amended minutes.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  

Item 2: Appoint Interim Member to Board:  Jeanie McIntyre resigned from her position as a Board member by e-mail to Freda Swan.  Her town meeting elected appointment expires March 2008.  Jack Elliott made a motion to appoint Dan Brand as an interim member until next town meeting.  John Billings seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  

Item 3: Application for Alternate Position:  Simon Carr had submitted a letter applying for alternate position on the Board.  He will become a U.S. citizen tomorrow.  Dick Jones pointed out that the Board cannot appoint anyone who is not on the voter registration list.  Simon Carr will have to sign up on the voters list, and the Supervisors of the Checklist will have to approve the registration.  Victoria Davis will talk with Elise Garrity, a Supervisor of the Checklist to find out when the Supervisors will be meeting.  Dan Brand made a motion to appoint Simon Carr as an Alternate pending his citizenship and approval on the voter checklist.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion.  Dick Jones opposed the motion as he did not believe the Board should make a tentative appointment.  The remaining Board members agreed with the motion.  The motion passed.  

Item 4: ZBA Alternate Position Vacancy:  Dick Jones suggested potential candidates could be gleaned from the new voters on the checklist.  Board members agreed that the Lyme ListServ is receiving more attention, and a second vacancy notice might result in responses.

Item 5:  Community Attitude Survey Update & Tabulation Discussion:  Victoria Davis reported that 332 out of 1,343 surveys have been completed and returned to the Town.  It was suggested that a reminder of the June 30th deadline and to encourage all adult household members to return their surveys should be put on ListServ.  It was also suggested to remind people by a sign at the transfer station, the town offices by a sandwich board, and possibly a sign on the Common.

It was discussed how best to tabulate the results once the survey deadline passes.  Simon Carr volunteered to develop a database in the software program Access.  The Board discussed assigning a number of surveys to each Board member to input responses into the database once it is developed.    

Item 6: Master Plan:  Development of a Master Plan Committee was discussed.  The Board determined they would like to have a meeting devoted to brainstorming how they would like to amend or re-write the Master Plan.  This will occur on July 27th.  A notice will be placed on the Town website and on Lyme ListServ to invite the public to attend.  Dan Brand stated he would get together to work with Dick Jones on a revision of the transportation chapter Dick Jones had developed for the master plan quite some time ago.  Victoria Davis will send out information about writing a master plan which was developed by the NH Office of Energy & Planning.  Jack Elliott questioned if the new master plan should be a revision of the existing master plan or a completely new plan.  This will be considered.  Dick Jones pointed out that a Natural Resources Inventory is being developed now and an identification of hazards is in the Emergency Management Plan, both of which could be referenced in the master plan.  Freda Swan will see if a regional planning commission staff person could attend the upcoming master plan meeting.

Item 7: Other Business:  Freda Swan will contact Jeanie McIntyre to determine the status of the aquifer study proposal from the NH Division of Geology.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator