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Planning Board Minutes 2006/04/13
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
April 13, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  Present:    Freda Swan, Chair; Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair; Dick Jones, Selectboard Representative; John Billings, Member; Ben Kilham, Alternate; Dan Brand, Alternate, Don Dwight, Alternate (not sworn in), and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator  Absent:  Stephanie Clark, Alternate
Public:         Allan Stam, Dave Roby, Arend Tensen, Denis Keleman, Joanne Foulk, Karl Furstenberg, Tom Morrissey, Pete Bleyler, Nancy Grandine, Garry Thrasher, Marc Kenton, Paul Guyre, Earl Strout, Jeff Lehmann, Rod Finley, Jan Williams, and Erin Hanrahan, Valley News.

Freda Swan called the meeting to order in the Fire Station Training Room at 7:30 pm.

Item 1: Community Attitude Survey Draft Public Input Meeting:  Karl Furstenberg asked when the survey would be sent out.  Freda Swan stated as soon as possible.  She pointed out to the public that the goal of the survey is to glean community priorities.  More specific concerns can be determined at public forums.  She also suggested if anyone is interested in past survey results, they are available in the library.  She stated the Board would allow the attendees to give their input at this meeting, and the Board would consider the input at a future meeting to finalize the survey.

Freda Swan went through the draft survey, one question at a time taking public input.
#1.     Dave Roby suggested people circle only one greatest asset instead of three.  Dan Brand responded the Board is looking for a sense of order, not just the top priority.
2.      No comment.
3.      Allan Stam spoke for himself and Don Metz who was not attending.  They had submitted a lengthy e-mail to Freda Swan for distribution to Board members making suggestions for changing the survey.  Allan Stam stated actual population figures should be added as people do not realize how much the town has grown as a whole; they might only view growth in terms of their own neighborhoods.  Dave Roby responded that an “attitude” survey is to get a sense of community feeling, not a response to data.
4.a.    Allan Stam pointed out Lyme has a FAST squad and not an ambulance.  Jeanie McIntyre responded this is not necessarily a list of Town of Lyme provided services.  Dick Jones pointed out Lyme has a contract for ambulance service with Hanover.
4.b.    Allan Stam suggested making all the question responses uniform though he added it wasn’t a “big deal.”  
5.      Freda Swan questioned why the alternative responses were not in the same order as their definitions.  Allan Stam felt the choices should provide dollar amounts.  Jeanie McIntyre responded the goal is to prioritize desired capital projects.  Pete Bleyler pointed out the town had already voted on town offices and police station at town meeting; he did not feel they should be included on the survey.  Jeanie McIntyre responded the survey was drafted prior to town meeting.  Dave Roby stated almost no one goes to town meeting and these should be left on the survey.  Ben Kilham responded the town had legally voted and the question should not be asked again.
6.a.    Allan Stam suggested “new village” be added to the alternative selections.  Dave Roby suggested changing “clustered in new neighborhoods” to “clustered in new neighborhoods/villages.”
6.b.    Allan Stam suggested adding “no one” as an option to new residential growth in Lyme.  Jeanie McIntyre responded people could select “strongly disagree” to all possible growth.  Faith Catlin had sent an e-mail suggesting “cluster development” and “co-operative housing” be added as potential options for new residential growth.
6.c.    Karl Furstenberg stated the wording of this section is confusing.  An e-mail from Charlie Brenner agreed.  He further stated in his e-mail that the petition at town meeting had suggested smaller building lots which has not been addressed as a response to providing more housing.  Dick Jones stated the three parts of question 6. should be worded to be consistent.
7.      Karl Furstenberg stated there should be a question asking if people felt the zoning ordinance is too restrictive.  Arend Tensen agreed.  Freda Swan responded that most people have not read the zoning ordinance as evidenced by comments that there is not an affordable housing section when there has been an affordable housing section since 1989.  Jeanie McIntyre stated people might respond that the entire zoning ordinance is too restrictive when in fact it may only be a part of the ordinance.  She stated the most valuable information would be generated from more topical questions.
8.      Allan Stam suggested that “agriculture” be added to the list of options as it is now a commercial endeavor more than the historical subsistence farming.  Jack Elliott pointed out that 13. also addressed agriculture.
9.      Allan Stam suggested that this question should be “fleshed out” to distinguish types of commercial businesses.
10.     Pete Bleyler suggested adding “Concord” to the list of options.  Freda Swan responded “other” could be chosen.
11.     Allan Stam suggested changing this table to ask what people shopped for as well as where.  Jeanie McIntyre responded the purpose is to determine regular travel patterns.  Pete Bleyler suggested adding Lebanon and Fairlee.
12.a.   Allan Stam stated Don Metz strongly believes the biking should be divided into road biking and mountain biking.  Freda Swan suggested that the request should be to circle the recreation activities primarily enjoyed instead of any they might participate in.  Jack Elliott suggested choosing only the top three.
12.b.   Pete Bleyler suggested removing “in the past.”  
12.c.   Karl Furstenberg felt “arts” should be listed to represent singing, painting and other cultural activities.  He felt this could have implications for a future community theatre, for example.
13.     The e-mail from Don Metz and Allan Stam suggested the protection mentioned really meant more regulations and this should be clearly stated.
14.a.   It was suggested that this section reference “question 13” rather than “identified above.”
14.b.   No comment.
15.     Dick Jones inquired why it had the option of “own a seasonal home/camp” and not a rental.
Freda Swan suggested they be combined as one answer.
16.     Dave Roby suggested the eastern boundary be moved more easterly.  He also pointed out Goose Pond Road is inaccurate.  He suggested that spur roads off Baker Hill Road should be shown.
17.     No comment.
18.a.   There were several internet access options used by attendees of the meeting which were not listed on the survey.  It was determined it should be left with general response alternatives.
19. & 20.       No comment
21.     Freda Swan questioned why this question of education level is needed.  Jeanie McIntyre responded it will help determine what part of the population is not well represented by the survey responses.  Education level is provided by town in the U.S. Census.
22. – 23.       No comment.
24.     The e-mail from Don Metz and Allan Stam suggests change to, “The maintenance of Lyme’s roads is generally perceived as excellent.”  They also suggested a new 24a. to determine how often people attend and vote at town meeting.
25.     The e-mail from Don Metz and Allan Stam suggested restating the question to clarify if the answers are how Lyme should be or as it exists.  The e-mail also suggested some redundancy, suggested asking about experiences dealing with the Planning Board and ZBA, and asking if the zoning ordinance is too restrictive.

Arend Tensen thanked the Board for allowing the public to participate.  He asked that the Board agendas be included on the web site.  Freda Swan responded that the Board would discuss it at the next meeting.  Jeanie McIntyre, Don Dwight, and Dan Brand are the survey subcommittee.  They will each submit suggestions by e-mail to Jeanie McIntyre who will compile the final draft to be submitted to the full Board at their next meeting.

Item 2: Lyme Congregational Church, Map 403, Lot 2 & Map 201, Lot 54; Paul Guyre, Map 201, Lot 1: Lot Line Adjustment Application #06-03:
Jeanie McIntyre recused herself as the Upper Valley Land Trust may hold an easement on some of this property.  Freda Swan appointed Ben Kilham to sit for Jeanie McIntyre.  Garry Thrasher summarized the application for a lot line adjustment.  Paul and Veronica Guyre own Map 201, Lot 1.  They would like to annex the woodlot (Map 201, Lot 2) owned by the Church on the east side of Route 10.  The Church also owns land on the west side of Route 10 which is currently considered part and parcel as one lot on both sides of the road.  There is a recorded survey of both the Guyre lot and the Church lot.  Victoria Davis stated she contacted town counsel to see if there is any reason to require another survey or plan.  Town Counsel Walter Mitchell stated all that is needed is to reference the surveys in the deeds.  Jeanie McIntyre stated that the minutes of February 22, 2006 erroneously expressed her opinion of this case even though she may have voted to approved the meeting minutes.  Freda Swan asked if she would like to vote to change the minutes, and Jeanie McIntyre responded she would not.  Dick Jones made a motion to grant waivers to II.A. 7.  as all the utilities are not shown on the existing surveys, II.A.8. as the delineation of the zoning districts are not shown on the existing surveys, and II.B. as no “final plat” is needed.  Ben Kilham seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  John Billings made a motion to deem the application complete.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the application subject to the following conditions: 1.) the deed contain the language provided in III. of Appendix B in the Lyme Subdivision Regulations; and 2.) the recorded surveys are to be referenced in the deed.  John Billings seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 3: Approval of Minutes:  Dick Jones suggested making it clear in Item 2 of the March 23, 2006 minutes that “their fund” be changed to “conservation fund.”  Jeanie McIntyre suggested several changes in Items 2 and 3.  Dan Brand suggested a change in Item 4 to change “suggested” to “recommended” in the last sentence of the first paragraph and add, “and report these to us.”  Dick Jones stated he felt many of the changes to the minutes were unnecessary and he abstained from a vote on the minutes.  Ben Kilham made a motion to approve the minutes of March 23, 2006.  Jeanie McIntyre seconded the motion.  Dick Jones abstained, and the remaining members voted to approve the minutes.

Item 4: Other Business:  Victoria Davis stated Doug Holler requested guidance on what the Board wanted for an amendment to the site plan review to address the parking lot lighting.  The Board responded they should modify the lighting plan they already submitted and include the parking lot, lighting specifications, direction of lighting….  

Dan Brand stated there had been roadside parking at a Crossroads Academy event recently.  He stated the plans approved by NH DOT do not provide the “no parking” signs the Board required in their site plan approval.  He suggested the Board write a letter to DOT stating its concerns about the need for “no parking” signs.  Dan Brand also read from an e-mail from Craig Green, Director DOT Bureau of Highway Design to a member of The Village association stating there may be changes made in the Crossroads Academy Route 10 improvements.  Craig Green suggested checking with the local DOT representative for more details.  There is concern that Crossroads may not have the funds to perform all the Site Plan Review approval required Route 10 improvements for safe access and egress.  Victoria Davis will try to contact Phil Harrison for an update.  Jeanie McIntyre stated she was not participating in the conversation as she had recused herself from previous hearings.  Freda Swan appointed Dan Brand to sit for Jeanie McIntyre in discussions of Crossroads.  Dick Jones made a motion to send comments to the State.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Dan Brand will draft a letter to DOT to address the need for “no parking” signs and the proposed new curbcut.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for April 27, 2006:
7:30    Fred & Catherine King Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
8:00    Gray Minor Subdivision & Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
8:45    Community Attitude Survey Review

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 11, 2006:
7:30    Definition of “Lot” Discussion