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Planning Board Minutes 2006/03/23
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
March 23, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  Present:    Freda Swan, Chair; Dick Jones, Select board representative; Jeanie McIntyre, Member; Ben Kilham, Alternate; Dan Brand, Alternate; John Billings (elected but not sworn in), and Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator.   Absent:  Jack Elliott, Vice-Chair   Public:  Arend Tensen, James Graham, Don Metz, Dave Roby, Barbara Roby, Allan Stam, Cynthia Stam, and Curt Vinson  Conservation Commission:  Lee Larson, Chair; Adair Mulligan; Paul Klee; Matt Stevens; Vicki May; and Laura McDaniel

Freda Swan called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station Training Room.  She appointed Ben Kilham to sit for Jack Elliott and Dan Brand to sit in the vacant seat.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2006 meeting.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Jeanie McIntyre made a motion to approve the February 22, 2006 and March 9, 2006 meeting minutes.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Discussion with Conservation Commission about Mutual Planning Goals:  Lee Larson spoke for the Conservation Commission.  He summarized that NH RSA 36:A requires each Conservation Commission to develop a natural resources inventory (NRI).  He stated that this inventory could become a chapter in the town’s master plan which he understands the Planning Board is in the process of updating.  The Conservation Commission has attended an NRI workshop in Haverhill and plans to attend another sponsored by the regional planning commission in Hanover next Tuesday.  The Commission applied for a NH “Moose Plate” grant, and it seems likely they will receive the $4,500.  This would cover one-half the estimated cost of a consultant to assist with the NRI.  They have also applied for a grant from the Connecticut River Joint Commission, and they are hoping for a matching contribution of at least $5,000 from the town.  They plan to hire 1.) a consultant to compile the mapping and do the map interpretation, 2.) local experts for modest honorariums to field check the maps and do specific evaluation for “hot spots,” and 3.) a coordinator of the experts to insure the job gets done and the findings are written.

Dick Jones stated there was $15,000 budgeted for the Master Plan line item: $10,000 was planned for aquifer study and around $1,200 - 1,500 was for the community attitude survey.  The remainder was for mapping.  Lee Larson responded the Conservation Commission could provide the $5,000 from the conservation fund, but the intent of the fund is to purchase open space and easements.  Fundraising was suggested, and Lee Larson responded he would rather someone else do this as he has spent so many hours on this project already.  Jeanie McIntyre questioned what mapping needed to happen that had not already happened.  Freda Swan said she understood Don Metz is working on a mapping project on his own and asked him to explain the project.  Don Metz stated he is working with Don Cooke to develop a map of developable land.  Victoria Davis stated she had asked Don Cooke to prepare a map for the town showing the lot size of each lot so the Town could determine which lots are conforming and which lots are nonconforming.  Apparently, Don Metz was looking for similar information and Don Cooke is providing this to both Don Metz and the Town.  Dave Roby stated he did not feel there is a need to develop a town-wide map of conforming or non-conforming lots as the information is not needed until development or subdivision is proposed.  Jeanie McIntyre said other towns use digital maps to review proposals on a case by case basis.  Victoria Davis explained the map of all lots is needed for zoning purposes and will be a valuable planning tool.  The Town will need to determine which lots are conforming or not.  Lee Larson interrupted to ask that the Boards get back to the NRI mapping.  Jeanie McIntyre stated she did not want to see money go to mapping that had already been done.  Lee Larson explained the maps had to be done in a consistent format different from existing maps, and the interpretation is the key component required of the consultant.  He also stated the Commission does not want to rely on volunteers as they get distracted with personal responsibility.  Vicki May reiterated this.  Lee Larson added they did not want to interview consultants until they were sure there would be funds for the project.

Freda Swan stated the Planning Board would be grateful if the Conservation Commission would take the lead in developing the NRI.  Adair Mulligan pointed out there is a large price tag for the work, but the Commission has whittled this down.  There was consensus among the public and Planning Board that fundraising would cover the missing funds.  It was also noted that since the projects are within an approved budget line item, the Selectboard is allowed to find funds within the total budget to cover the costs.

Freda Swan stated she would like the Conservation Commission involved in the aquifer study.  Lee Larson responded the Commission members did not have much knowledge in this area.  Freda Swan asked if there were any concerns about the site visits by the Commission required in the zoning ordinance and occasionally requested by the Planning Board for other reasons.  Paul Klee stated he enjoyed these site visits.  Lee Larson stated the Commission had made 15 – 20 site trips a year between requests from the Planning Board, ZBA, and NH Wetlands Bureau.  Adair Mulligan added the review by the Commission is used as a model in other towns to coordinate cooperation among town boards.

Item 3: Community Attitude Survey Discussion:  James Graham asked what the product of the survey would be.  Jeanie McIntyre responded it provides information about attitudes and priorities that could be discussed further in public meetings and as input to the town master plan.  Freda Swan added the variations of responses over the years would give an indication of changing attitudes.  Arend Tensen asked if the public would be allowed to have a look at the survey to have input into the question formation.  Freda Swan stated the survey was already completed and had been discussed during several public meetings and had been reviewed by survey “experts.”  Jeanie McIntyre stated the survey had not been sent out as the mailing labels had not been completed.  David Roby added that the survey questions themselves are broad enough to allow varied comment.  Jeanie McIntyre said the survey is not just about zoning.  Dan Brand felt the survey could withstand and benefit from public scrutiny.  Ben Kilham stated people should be able to have a look during a controlled meeting as there was enough interest to warrant this.  John Billings suggested the survey should be sent out to get those opinions.  Don Metz felt the Planning Board could be trusted to have done a good job, but if they had missed an issue they would have missed an opportunity to gather information.  However, he added a second survey could be sent out.

Freda Swan polled the Planning Board to see if they would like to 1.) Mail as is now; 2.) Invite experienced people to look at the survey and critique it; or 3.) Invite the public to review the survey at a public meeting.  Jeanie McIntyre, Ben Kilham, and Dan Brand agreed that there should be a public meeting for the public review.  Dick Jones felt the survey had been available to the public and it should be mailed out now as promised at town meeting.  John Billings commented that the second option would be a mistake, but he could understand the reasonings for the other two options.  It was determined to include public review of the survey from 7:30 – 8:30 pm at the next regular meeting on April 13, 2006.  Victoria Davis asked if the survey would be available to the public prior to the meeting.  The Board agreed that it should be made available in the town offices, bulletin boards, and on the website.  Jeanie McIntyre stated the map on the survey was not complete and she needed to finish this before the survey could be available.

Item 4: Curt Vinson’s Lyme Computers Building; Map 201, Lot 29; Site Plan Review Requirement Discussion:  Victoria Davis provided everyone with plans of the building submitted in 1991 showing the various uses of the rooms in the building.  She had done a site visit and made notes of current uses of the building.  In 1991, there were 11 tenants.  Currently there are 14 tenants.  Dick Jones felt if the uses have not changed, a site plan review should not be required.  Curt Vinson stated the density of people has not changed, and he had not done any additional development.  He wondered why the Planning Board wanted to meet with him.  Curt Vinson was concerned that a full site plan review would be expensive.  Freda Swan stated the Board needs a baseline of the building and its uses so they will know when a site plan review would be required.  Dick Jones stated they needed to determine the “trigger” to require a site plan review such as sewage load and parking requirements.  Freda Swan requested that Curt Vinson provide an “as is” drawing to show the building, number of parking spaces, septic system and well.  She stated the Board would calculate the highest density as it had done for Green Mountain Studios.  Dan Brand recommended that Curt Vinson use Appendix A of the Site Plan Review Regulations to determine the current parking requirements and report these to the Board.

Curt Vinson asked if his property were grandfathered.  Freda Swan responded it was grandfathered for the uses existing when the zoning ordinance was first adopted in March 1989.  Curt Vinson stated he would work on a drawing and provide it shortly.  He will work with Victoria Davis to schedule another visit to the Planning Board.

Item 5: Other Business:  Jeanie McIntyre made a motion to appoint Don Dwight as a Planning Board alternate for another term ending March 2009.  Dick Jones seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  The Board determined to schedule a site visit to Bret Ryan’s gravel pit after black fly season.  Jeanie McIntyre made a motion to appoint Freda Swan as Chair of the Board and Jack Elliott as Vice-Chair.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for April 13, 2006:
7:30    Public Meeting to Review Community Attitude Survey
8:30    Public Hearing for Congregational Church/Paul Guyre LLA
9:15    Should LLA count as Minor Subdivision in the 10-year subdivision rule?

Tentative Meeting Agenda for April 27, 2006
7:30    “Lot” definition policy discussion
8:30    Excavation Regulations

Potential Future Issues:
Jenks Subdivision Hearing
Crossroads Academy Amendment Hearing