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Planning Board Minutes 2006/01/26
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
January 26, 2006

Board Members & Staff:  Present:  Jack Elliott, Jeanie McIntyre, Dick Jones, Don Dwight, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  Freda Swan, Dave Swanz (resigned), Ben Kilham, and Dan Brand
Public:         Marcia Armstrong

Jack Elliott, Acting Chair opened the meeting at 7:30 pm at the Fire Station training room.   Dick Jones nominated Don Dwight to take Dave Swanz’s place as a full member to the end of his term which is March 2006.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:   Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes January 12, 2006.  Don Dwight seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Other Business:  The Board determined that Victoria Davis should talk with Lee Larson to see if the Conservation Commission feels a meeting with the NH Cooperative Extension office would be helpful in learning more about the development of a Natural Resources Inventory.  If so, she will schedule it.  The Board briefly discussed the proposed master plan budget of $15,000 which will be used to complete a community attitude survey, and aquifer study, and at least the beginnings of a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI).  Dick Jones stated he feels the NRI is more important than the aquifer study as the wildlife habitat is more threatened than the water.  Don Dwight stated that we do not really know at this point.  Don Dwight mentioned that the Board might consider displaying member names so the public knows who they are.  Dick Jones stated he can help with this.  Jeanie McIntyre stated she can not be at the next meeting until about 8:15 pm.  Don Dwight stated he will not be available.  Freda Swan will still be away, Dave Swanz has resigned, and Dan Brand will be away.  Board members are asked to try to find new alternates so the having a quorum for public hearings is not an issue.

Item 3: Zoning Amendments Public Hearing:  Jack Elliott opened the public hearing at 7:40 pm.  There are only three amendments to be reviewed at this hearing.  

Amendment #1 - Victoria Davis pointed out that although a definition was requested for “Light Manufacturing,” there is already a definition of “Light Manufacturing and Processing.”  The Board determined the new definition should simply be deleted from Amendment #1 as it is redundant.  The definition of “dwelling unit” and “unit” as well as section 5.21 “Height Regulations” were reviewed as these had been revised at the last hearing.  Dick Jones made a motion to take Amendment #1 to Town Meeting.  Jeanie McIntyre seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Amendment #4A & 4B:  Jack Elliott explained the proposed new map of the Ridgeline and Hillside Conservation District.  Marcia Armstrong (a ZBA alternate) stated the map was much needed, and the ZBA had not previously been able to identify the district.  He added that now that the district is properly delineated, the Board needs to determine what the requirements and conditions of the district should be.  He stated he believes the current language of the zoning ordinance is too subjective and difficult for the ZBA to administer.  Dick Jones stated he is in support of Amendment #4A to leave the language as it is with reference to the new proposed map as the alternative Amendment #4B is too cumbersome.  He felt the public might reject the amendment with changed text and then the map would be lost as well.  Jeanie McIntyre stated she agreed with Dick Jones.  She felt the new text would be too difficult to enforce.  Don Dwight agreed that the text was too complex and subjective.   Victoria Davis pointed out that the ZBA had rarely had a chance to interpret the existing district requirements as it has been impossible to determine which lots are within the district in the first place.  Dick Jones made a motion to take Amendment #4A to Town Meeting and not to take Amendment #4B.  Jeanie McIntyre seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  The Board determined that the text of #4B be suggested for consideration by the ZBA in reviewing relevant cases in the coming year.  Victoria Davis will propose this suggestion to the ZBA.  The Planning Board will check in with the ZBA at the end of the year to get feedback on how effective the existing text is in protecting the Ridgeline and Hillside District.

Victoria Davis pointed out that in Amendment #7 (section 4.53 Driveways) she had made the recommended change from the first public hearing in one part of the amendment, but not in the other.  This will be corrected.  Jeanie McIntyre stated this section should be amended next year to provide that building envelopes reserved in conservation easements should not require a special exception if they are more than 1,000’ from a road.  Dick Jones disagreed as some conservation easements are not in the best interest of the Town and may be flawed.  Jack Elliott also felt the special exception would provide relief for this case.  Jeanie McIntyre argued that it should not be left to the ZBA to possibly deny a right given to the original lot owner before this amendment.  The Board agreed it should be discussed next year as a potential amendment.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for February 9, 2006:  
7:30    Approve minutes of January 22, 2006 meeting
7:40    Lyme Center Academy Building Site Plan Review Hearing
8:10    Informal Meeting with Jimmy Jenks; Minor Subdivision of Map 201, Lot 128
9:00    Newton/Paolino Lot Line Adjustment Hearing (Map 407 Lots 139 & 140)

Tentative Meeting Agenda for February 23, 2006:
7:30    NH State Geologist David Wunsch presentation on aquifers
        Chris Covel of Covel & Associates to discuss aquifer study
9:00    Approve minutes of February 9, 2006 meeting
Annual Board reappointments