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Planning Board Minutes 2005/06/09
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
June 9, 2005

Board Members & Staff:  
Present:     Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Dick Jones, Jack Elliott, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis
Absent:     Jeanie McIntyre
Public:         Rod Finley of Pathways; Horace Henriques; Rob Titus; Ben Nichols; Kathleen Henriques; Nancy Johnson; Neal Griswold; Carolyn Steffey; Amanda Steffey; Amy Nichols; Amara Nichols; Monica Steffey; Tim Nichols; Shannon Purcell; Attorney Bernie Waugh; Jean Behnke of Crossroads Academy; Lauri Rich; Nancy Dwight; Susan Valence; Mark Richardson; Kim Taylor; Breck Taylor; Ellen Mulvihill; Peter Mulvihill; Michael Hoffman; Philip Harrison; Greg Hemberger of Banwell Architects; Eric Johnson; Joanne Foulk of the Village at DCH; Chris Blau; and Hebe Quinton.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Several minor amendments were made to the minutes of June 2, 2005.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Executive Session for Board Discussion:  Freda Swan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and requested that Board members go into the Library’s art room for a brief discussion.  

Item 3: Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Hearing; Map 401, Lot 56; 101 Dartmouth College Highway; Application #05-06:  Freda Swan called the hearing to order at 7:10 PM.  She asked that the applicant present any new submittals discussed at the previous hearing as delineated by the Planning Board engineering consultant Scott Williams of CLD Consulting Engineers.  

Upper Parking Lot Fill Area and Route 10 Access:
Phil Harrison presented a drawing of the proposed access way from Route 10 as previously presented (in blue) with an overlay of an alternative proposed access way (in red) farther to the north as recommended by CLD Consulting Engineers.

Rod Finley stated the slope along Route 10 at the “red” access way is much steeper and it would use the same amount of fill as the “blue” access way—just in different locations.  The “red” access way would, however, lower the parking lot.  Dick Jones inquired about the wetland buffer encroachment of each option.  Rod Finley responded they would be about the same.  Dan Brand asked why it would be steeper if the “red” access way would be longer and assumed to be a more gentle decline.  Rod Finley responded that the State required the culvert to be at the existing grade, and the access way coming into the existing grade of the culvert location requires the same steep slope as before.  He added Crossroads and Pathways prefer the “blue” proposal.  The NH Department of Transportation (DOT) also prefers the “blue” proposal for reasons outlined in an e-mail from Douglas King, Assistant District Maintenance Engineer to Rod Finley dated 06/08/05:  “1.) The driveway horizontal curvature is more severe, creating more potential centerline violations; 2.) The proposed shift does not take into account the right turn lane widening (approximately 15 feet) on Route 10 (on the driveway side).  This would negate any savings in fill and could impact the wetlands to a greater extent.”  Rod Finley also pointed out that the “red” option eliminates all the vegetative screening because it parallels Route 10 more closely and is so steep.  The ZBA had required vegetative screening as a condition to its approval of the access way.

When questioned further about the culvert elevation, Rod Finley responded that the State requires that the access way be 2-1/2’ above the water for a culvert.  The water in the wetland drops about 10’ in the area of the proposed culvert requiring more fill on one side of the access way than the other.  Freda Swan questioned this stating it sounded more like a river.  Rod Finley agreed that there is substantial water movement in the wetland there due to water collecting at this point from Route 10 culverts.  He added that this is not a high functioning wetland.  Jack Elliott pointed out that although this might be true it feeds into high functioning wetlands.  Rod Finley agreed.  Jack Elliott inquired about the slopes of the proposed access ways near their intersection with Route 10.  Rod Finley responded they are about the same.  Freda Swan pointed out that having only one access way from Route 10 to the proposed campus and eliminating the Route 10 access to the existing campus allows plenty of room for the required turning lanes.

Rod Finley stated they do not have a permit for an access way to the proposed campus, but DOT had orally expressed acceptance of the original plan so they should be pleased with the new plan with the elimination of the existing Crossroads entrance.  The proposed curb cut is one originally proposed by the State for access to serve the property.  Freda Swan pointed out this is where there is already substantial fill.

Joanne Foulk stated the Village at Dartmouth College Highway (DCH) residents are concerned about traffic safety issues with the new turning lanes since this is in a passing zone.  There have been a number of close calls for people turning into the Village from the south and drivers behind them trying to pass at the same time without realizing someone ahead of them was making a turn and crossing the highway.  Rod Finley stated this area will no longer be a passing zone.  Freda Swan asked Rod Finley to provide a sketch to the Village at DCH to illustrate the proposed changes to Route 10.  Dan Brand expressed concern that property values will decline if traffic is slowed from Lyme to commercial centers such as Hanover and Lebanon.

Construction Access and Phasing:
Phil Harrison and Rod Finley presented two more sketches as options for a connector access between the existing campus and the proposed campus while the proposed campus is being constructed.  Phil Harrison explained that the multi-purpose building and most of the infrastructure would be build in Phase I for school use though the classrooms would remain at the existing campus until the school has enough money to complete the new campus.  They are trying to determine the better alternative of two possible connector roads to allow access between the two sites until the proposed campus is finished.  One alternative was shown as going from the proposed Route 10 access way closer to Route 10, but it was not the more desirable option.  The other alternative skirts west along the existing Crossroads barn through a playing field and down to the proposed site into a proposed rotary parking lot.  Phil Harrison pointed out that the latter option allows Crossroads to postpone creating the new Route 10 access way.  He added that the connector access would connect a portion of land currently used at the existing Crossroads site which the Village at DCH might sell to Crossroads for additional play area, parking, and snow storage.  

Freda Swan inquired about the safety issues during construction raised at the previous meeting.  Phil Harrison responded that the construction area would be fenced off until the multi-purpose building was to be used.  At that point, there would only be two buildings remaining to be built and these would be fenced off during construction.  He added that Crossroads Academy is thinking they might be able to do enough fundraising to complete the entire new campus in one phase, but they do not know this for certain.  Freda Swan commented that the Planning Board should write any approval conditions to take this into account and not assume that the construction will occur in phases as previously discussed.

Jack Elliott asked if the dirt work should be completed soon to allow a full growing season to stabilize the fill.  Rod Finley stated it would not make much difference as they have to store dirt somewhere and may begin to fill the parking area.  Dick Jones commented that 10-15’ of fill should not be completed in phases but should be compacted between layers to maintain stabilization.  He suggested that August is a good month to minimize runoff and filtration issues.  Rod Finley responded that they only want to move the dirt once, and they will do so in 12-15” lifts depending upon the quality of the material.  They would have an independent lab hired by Crossroads do compaction testing of each layer.  Jack Elliott asked if there would be any regulatory oversight of the testing results.  Rod Finley stated there is none, but there are standards to be met and the lab will insure compliance.

Road Underdrain and Stabilization:
When asked about road under drainage, Rod Finley responded that their geotechnical engineer had not felt it necessary.  Jack Elliott asked if this study could be provided, and Rod Finley stated he would provide it.  Dick Jones stated in his experience asphalt roads with under drainage last longer than those without.  Rod Finley stated it is easy to install under drainage during construction, and if the Planning Board chooses, Pathways will work with CLD to determine a design.

Snow Storage Areas:
Phil Harrison stated the snow storage is shown on the plans and added that the area which may be purchased from the existing site would be used for snow storage, parking, and a play area.  Freda Swan asked if Crossroads would give up the Shoestrap Road parking lot if they are able to have parking on the existing campus property.  Phil Harrison responded he would rather come back later for an amendment than deal with that issue now.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
Rod Finley stated they did need to provide handicapped parking.  He stated they would provide three spaces: two at the end of the drive loop by the multi-purpose building and one at the first classroom building which has an elevator.  Dick Jones stated there are restrictions about the distance from a handicapped parking space to a building.  Freda Swan asked for a written response to the issue.   Greg Hemberger did not believe that there are requirements for a private school with two or three or less floors to have an elevator.  Bernie Waugh questioned if this was a requirement of the Site Plan Review Regulations.  Freda Swan replied she was not sure, but would appreciate a response anyway.

Stormwater Drainage Discharge Points:  
Phil Harrison suggested making a condition of approval that this issue be worked out between Pathways and CLD.  Rod Finley added that the project has received its Site Specific Permit from the State.  They are still waiting for the water and wastewater permits.

Clogging of Closed Stormwater Drainage System:
No discussion.

Pedestrian Patio and Courtyards:
It is noted on the plans that these are asphalt.

Existing Cross-Country Ski Trails:
Phil Harrison stated that the trails between the buildings and Route 10 would be eliminated although a connector trail in this area will still be needed to connect the remaining trail to make a loop.  There was some discussion if the ski trails should be part of the application, and it was determined that they are part of the application and all trails should be shown.

Pedestrian Access to Remote Parking Lot:
Phil Harrison stated this access is shown on one of the submitted plans, and it will include one of the existing ski trails.

Trash Dumpster Location:
It was noted that leakage must be contained.

Loading Area on Road in Front of Multi-Purpose Building:
Phil Harrison stated this must be mislabeling on the plan showing a loading area along the road where it does not widen.  Dan Brand asked if there were enough drop-off parking spaces.  Jean Behnke responded that parents do not generally come into the building as there are teachers to assist the students in preparing for class.

Freda Swan stated the Board should develop conditions for approval as their homework assignment for the continued hearing.  Rob Titus, Jean Behnke, and Joanne Foulk all expressed positive sentiments about the proposed projects.  Nancy Dwight expressed concern that the NH DOT had not taken the traffic issue in the Village area seriously in the past.  

Bernie Waugh expressed that his understanding of the law is that the Board must make a decision within 65 days even if it is a conditional approval.  Freda Swan stated the Board has provided several additional meetings to accommodate this complicated application.  Jack Elliott stated there do not seem to be any major outstanding issues except the issue of where the location of the Route 10 access way.  Dan Brand commented that the re-use of the existing Crossroads building should be spelled out.  Dick Jones expressed concern that there was no definite plan for a deal between the Village Condo Association Board and Crossroads.  He felt the Board could approve portions of the plan, but they would need to see final drawings.  He added the Board could approve the access way and parking lot contingent upon State approval.  Freda Swan stated she envisions Pathways working with CLD for site work specifications and the Board working on the conditions prior to the next meeting.  

Dan Brand asked about the maximum capacity of the multi-purpose building.  Phil Harrison stated it is driven by the number of parking spaces and he recalls that it is about 354.  He added that he had provided the number in his application.  

Bernie Waugh expressed reluctance for “re-zoning” of property if land is to be sold from the Village Condo Board to Crossroads and suggested an approval with a condition of only one access way and a temporary access with a review of drawings.  Dick Jones stated there is limited parking and snow storage without the land tentatively offered by the Village Condo Board.  Freda Swan stated they could get permission for parking and snow storage from the Condo Board.  Phil Harrison stated the school is willing to be at risk to get an approval.  Dick Jones suggested Board members e-mail their proposed conditions to Victoria Davis for compilation before the next meeting.

Phil Harrison asked if the Board would approve Crossroads going ahead with the gravel pit restoration before site plan approval since the closure plan was already approved at an earlier meeting.  Freda Swan stated this would be fine as long as the construction work stayed within the bounds of the gravel pit.  Dick Jones made a motion to allow the closing of the gravel pit.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

The Board continued the hearing to Thursday, June 16, 2005 at the Lyme Center Academy Building at 7:00 PM.  The Board and Bernie Waugh agreed that an extension is not needed as they would still be within the 65 days for a decision.  Bernie Waugh requested that if any conditions which have not been discussed in the past are proposed that Crossroads be allowed to discuss them.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for June 16, 2005:
7:00    Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Hearing

Tentative Meeting Agenda for June 23, 2005:
7:00    Subdivision Regulations and Curb Cut Regulations Public Hearing
7:45    Newton/Dickey Continued Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
8:15    Informal Meeting with Jeff Hinissin (Map 403, Lot 9)
8:40    Site Plan Review Hearing for Earl Strout (Map 201, Lot 83)

Tentative Meeting Agenda for July 14, 2005:
7:00    Informal Meeting with Bill Wohlforth (Map 414, Lot 9)
7:30    Minor Subdivision Hearing for Town of Lyme (Hwy Garage/Cemetery M201 L110)