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Planning Board Minutes 2005/05/05
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
May 5, 2005

Board Members & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Jack Elliott, Dick Jones, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  Jeanie McIntyre   Public:  None

Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:00 PM and appointed Dan Brand, Alternate to sit for Jeanie McIntyre.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of April 28, 2005.  Dick Jones seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Discussion of Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Assessment Consultation Proposals:  Although several consultants had indicated an interest in assessment of the Crossroads Academy site plan for a new school, there was only one submitted proposal from CLD Consulting in Norwich, Vermont.  They have signed the “Conflict of Interest” statement to indicate they will be working for the Town of Lyme and do not have a conflict of interest with Crossroads Academy including the Board of Trustees and employees or Pathways Consulting.  Their cost estimate for the assessment phase is an estimated $8,300 including review of plans, examination of the property, discussions with Crossroads Academy representatives, discussions with the Planning Board, reporting as it relates to the review, evaluation of changes made, follow-up comments, attendance at two Planning Board meetings, and possible coordination with NH DES.  This would be a “not to exceed” figure.  Additional Planning Board meetings would be charged at $85/hour.  The Board would like clarification as to how the $8,300 was calculated.  Victoria Davis will inquire.  Dick Jones made a motion to approve the $8,300 bid from CLD Consulting as a “not to exceed” figure.  Dave Swanz seconded the motion, and unanimous approval followed.  Freda Swan stated a letter should be sent to CLD Consulting to confirm the selection and a copy should be provided to Crossroads Academy.  The Board determined that they would consider the proposal for Monitoring of the project if it is approved and goes forward.

Item 3: Discussion of Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Traffic Assessment Consultation Proposals:  The Planning Board received three proposals to evaluate the traffic and parking issues of the Crossroads Academy Site Plan: CLD Consulting Engineers in Norwich, VT; RSG, Inc. in White River Junction, VT; and Smart Mobility in Norwich, VT.  Dan Brand stated RSG seemed to have a conflict of interest based upon their work with Pathways Consulting on the Lyme Nursery School project.  He would like to clarify with Smart Mobility that they are including traffic counts in their estimate of $2,350.  They have signed the conflict of interest statement.  Freda Swan questioned if NH DOT would have to be responsive to the findings of a town traffic study.  Dick Jones pointed out that the DOT could grant a curb cut permit, but the Town did not have to grant a permit for the remainder of an access way.  Freda Swan also pointed out that there would be less parking if a shared access way were required between the current Crossroads school property and the proposed school site.  Dan Brand pointed out that a letter from the Board of Directors of the Village at Dartmouth College Highway Condominium Association dated April 28, 2005 states they would like to see residential use of the current Crossroads school site and perhaps have Crossroads Academy use a portion of it for their proposed new school.  Jack Elliott questioned if the Board could be more flexible in allowing wetlands conservation district encroachment for parking if a shared access were required.  Dick Jones stated the Board needs to let the consultant do its job and then follow the recommendations.  Dick Jones made a motion to accept the Smart Mobility proposal with a limit of $5,000.  Dan Brand seconded the motion and unanimous agreement followed.  Freda Swan asked Victoria Davis to send letters to the remaining consultants to thank them for their submittals.

Item 4: Subdivision Regulations Appendices Amendment Review:  Dick Jones recommended making appendices E and F part of the main text of the regulations since they are regulatory and the remaining appendices are applications.  He also recommended that the section of Goose Pond Road from Route 10 to Renne Road be deleted from appendix F as a public road which could sustain subdivision roads since there is already too much traffic on this road for its existing capacity.  Freda Swan also pointed out that there are already conservation easements on the land in the area that subdivisions would not be possible anyway.  Dick Jones stated that the Subdivision Regulations should allow subdivision roads along Dorchester Road from Route 10 to the intersection with Grafton Turnpike.  He added the main traffic issue on this road is seasonal from the skiway.  Freda Swan disagreed stating that the area around Tannery Falls could not handle more traffic.  Dick Jones recommended adding “Lot of Record” in the definitions since this term is used in the applications.  Freda Swan also requested that the last new sentence in section 4.06 be deleted as the Board does not want to encourage lots which have not been proven to be buildable.  Appendices A, B, C, and D were reviewed with minor changes.  

Item 5: Other Business:  Freda Swan stated she had met with Crossroads Academy representatives that morning.  She had mentioned this to the Board at an earlier meeting.  She explained to the Crossroads representatives that she would attend their meeting at their request, but she could only represent her personal opinions and not that of the Board.  

Dick Jones stated Crossroads Academy had attended Monday’s Lyme Conservation Commission meeting.  He will provide the minutes of that meeting to the Planning Board.

Jack Elliott stated Julie McCutcheon had contacted him about the Lyme Nursery School, and he had directed her to the Planning & Zoning Administrator.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.  

Submitted by, Victoria Davis, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 12, 2005:
7:00    Lyme Nursery School Site Plan Review Hearing
7:30    Newton/Dickey Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
        Newton/Paolino Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
9:00    LOP Trust (Wagner) Minor Subdivision Hearing

Tentative Meeting Agenda for May 26, 2005:
7:00    Luane Cole Clark Informal Meeting (Map 408, Lot 61.2) (Lot Line Adjustment)
7:20    Lois Huntington Informal Meeting (Map 407 Lot 80)
7:50    Tami Dowd, Dowd’s Country Inn (Map 201 Lot 75) (Change of use to restaurant from B&B)
8:30    Alverson/Barnum Informal Meeting (Map 402 Lot 98) (Lot Line Adjustment)

Tentative Meeting Agenda for June 9, 2005:
7:00    Crossroads Academy Site Plan Review Hearing