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Planning Board Minutes 2005/04/26
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
April 26, 2005

Board Members & Staff:  Present:   Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Jack Elliott, Dick Jones, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  Jeanie McIntyre
Public:         Ray Lobdell, Lobdell Associates; Mike Willis, Will Consulting Engineers; Shawn Donovan and Philip Douglas, SVE Associates; Scott Williams and Charles Hirshberg, CLD Consulting Engineers; and Norman Marshall, Smart Mobility

Item 1: Review of Crossroads Academy Site Plan:  Freda Swan called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.  This was a special meeting that was publicly noticed on three bulletin boards around town.  Freda Swan summarized the Crossroads Academy proposal to move their campus to the adjoining lot.  She explained that this was a difficult site due to the wetlands and the brook.  She further explained that the Planning Board does not have the expertise to completely evaluate this proposal, and they need some help insuring that the project meets the site plan review regulations requirements and that the project is performed in an adequate manner to protect the water systems.  Jack Elliott added that the plans should be consistent, readable, and meeting the regulation requirements.  The attending consultants had previously been sent a set of the most recent plans from Crossroads Academy, the narrative of the proposal, and all the meeting minutes and letters relevant to the project.  At the meeting, a tentative “Scope of Services” was distributed along with a “Conflict of Interest” statement.  Dave Swanz explained that the “Scope of Services” is in two parts:  Assessment of the proposal and Monitoring of any construction.  The “Conflict of Interest” statement provides that the consultant would work for the Town of Lyme and does not have a conflict of interest by relationships with Pathways Consulting or Crossroads Academy.

Ray Lobdell asked for clarification of the “monitoring” asking if this meant checking very specific details of the plan with a transit.  The Board explained they did want to know details such as the meeting of grading specifications, but they did not need information about very specific details which did not seem relevant to the quality of the construction and general plan conformance.  Mike Willis asked if this would include architectural inspection, and the Board responded that it did not.  He also expressed concern about the stability of the new bridge on the site which he visited before the meeting.  He further suggested that a June 9th hearing with Crossroads Academy might be too soon considering the violations they have already made.  Shawn Donovan commented that the Board might expect up to two and one-half times the expenses of any estimate from the consultants if the case went to court for any reason.

After some discussion, the Board determined that proposals for consultation on this project should be submitted by Monday, May 2, 2005.  

Item 2: Review of Crossroads Academy Site Plan Traffic Concerns:  Freda Swan called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.  Dan Brand explained the traffic and parking issues to the attending consultants.  The attending consultants had previously been sent a set of the most recent plans from Crossroads Academy, the narrative of the proposal, a traffic study performed by Pathways Consulting, and all the meeting minutes and letters relevant to the project.  At the meeting, a tentative “Conflict of Interest” statement was distributed.  

It was determined that the proposals for consultation on this project should be submitted by Monday, May 2, 2005.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator