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Planning Board Minutes 2004/11/11
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
November 11, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Jeanie McIntyre, Dave Swanz, Jack Elliott, Pete Bleyler, and Dan Karnes   Absent:  Dan Brand
Public:  Dale Gray

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Minor corrections were made by Dan Brand by e-mail to the October 28 meeting minutes.  Jack Elliott approved the minutes as amended.  Dave Swanz seconded the motion and unanimous approval followed.

Item 2: Informal with Dale Gray for LLA and Subdivision of Map 201, Lots 6, 7, & 134:  Dale Gray stated he lives on lot 6 (1.01 acres) and his parents live on lot 7 (3.2 acres), both on the south side of Dorchester Road.  Lot 134 (9.9 acres) located on the north side of Dorchester Road is part and parcel with lot 7.  Dale Gray said he would like to annex the field of his parents’ lot to his lot and subdivide off lot 134 to sell, if necessary.  He stated his lot is surveyed, but his parents’ lot (on either side of the road) is not.  However, he added that there have been surveys pretty much all around lot 134 except for a 290’ line.

All of lots 6 and 7 are within the Lyme Common District; about 1/3 of lot 134 including the road frontage is within the Lyme Common District with the remainder in the Rural District.  The conservation district map shows there are no conservation districts on lots 6 and 7, but there is a steep slope area in the center of lot 134.  Dale Gray added there used to be town wells on lot 134 so there is some damp area.  When it was noted that Rocky Hill Lane touches the back of lot 134, Dale Gray stated this lot does not have access from that private road.

The Board determined that they would not require a survey of lot 134 unless an abutter disputed a potential right of way or easement on the lot.  The Grays would have to do a percolation test on this lot in a feasible area for a septic system and obtain a State driveway permit.  Lots 6 and 7 would have to be surveyed including the area to be annexed from lot 7 to lot 6.  Development on these lots should be shown as required by the Subdivision Regulations.  The final plan should show an outline of lot 134 in the “site map.”

Item 3: Zoning Ordinance Amendments:  The 11-11-04 draft of zoning ordinance amendments was reviewed (see attached).  Several changes were made.  More information is needed to complete the definition of “structure” and “outdoor recreation” as well as their applications.  It was determined that the definition of “parent lot” and its applications should be effective on the date of amendment adoption at town meeting and not be retroactive.  

There was much discussion about the Ridgeline and Hillside Conservation District.  It was determined to break up this district into two districts.  The ridgelines were accepted as mapped.  The Ridgeline District should be confined to the smallest area proposed by the Ridgeline/Hillside Subcommittee and be restricted from any development or logging.  It would be mapped from the ridgeline as 250’ horizontally or 100’ vertically, whichever is least expansive.  Dan Karnes said he could map this on his computer.  It should also exclude any areas within 300’ of a public road.  This will not be defined in the zoning ordinance, but rather the map will be used as the defining document.  The permitted uses should remain the same as those listed in the current zoning ordinance, but there would be no special exceptions.  A conditional use permit from the Planning Board would allow for telecommunications towers.  The Telecommunications Ordinance will have to be amended to reflect this change.  The Hillsides District will be mapped as 1,000’ from the ridgeline excluding areas within 300’ of a public road.  The permitted uses will be the same as the Ridgeline District.  Again, no special exceptions will be granted.  Conditional Use Permits may be given for uses allowed by the underlying zoning district after consideration of four criteria developed by the Ridgeline/Hillside Subcommittee.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for Tuesday, November 23, 2004:
7:30    Approve minutes of 11/11/04 meeting
7:40    Hearing for Stout/Estes LLA
8:00    Zoning Amendments