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Planning Board Minutes 2004/08/12
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
August 12, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Jeanie McIntyre, Jack Elliott, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  Pete Bleyler, Dan Brand, and Dan Karnes
Public:  none

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2004 meeting.  Jeanie McIntyre seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Fire Protection Inventory:  Victoria Davis provided a list of past subdivisions which might have required fire protection such as fire ponds or cisterns as part of the Planning Board review.  She submitted this to Freda Swan and Jeanie McIntyre as the list goes back to 1984 and they would be most familiar with the older approvals to see if the fire protection requirements on the list are correct.  A separate list of those approved subdivisions which clearly did require fire protection was also provided.  Once this list is complete, it will be provided to the Fire Department for their review of the adequacy of these fire protection measures.  A discussion will also have to occur about the responsibility of maintaining these systems.

Item 3: Subdivision Regulations Review:  The Board reviewed the Subdivision Regulations again in preparation for a public hearing to amend the regulations.  Jack Elliott expressed concern that section 3.13 allows the Planning Board to select the inspector of development construction and the applicant pays the bill.  The Board discussed that since the applicant would have hired an engineer/builder to do the construction, the Board needed another opinion to insure the construction is done properly.  It was also stated that the Board has rarely had a subdivision of this magnitude to require inspections, but if they do they should develop a list of possible inspectors to avoid any possibility of favoritism on the part of the Town.

Several other changes were made.  Freda Swan will continue working with Mike Hinsley, Fire Chief to provide clear language in the Fire Protection section.  Several Board members expressed concern that the entire review process of fire protection not be turned over to the Fire Department as it is a volunteer department with changing volunteers and the Planning Board is elected and should have some input to provide consistency through the years.  Victoria Davis will try to obtain resources for storm water best management practices (BMPs) to be referenced in the regulations.  The “green book” currently referenced may be outdated, and the regional EPA representative recommended that the Board reference more than one BMP resource.

Item 4: Other Business:  The Board discussed how to address the application from Colin Robinson on behalf of Danny & Millie Bailey to the ZBA.  They determined a letter should be drafted and reviewed by Town Counsel stating the comments by Colin Robinson in his application are based upon his inferences of the Planning Board meeting.  They do not represent the Planning Board opinion as there was no vote, and the ZBA should refer to the Planning Board approved minutes of that meeting for details of that discussion, if necessary.

Victoria Davis reported the regional planning office will provide information to perform a road study to determine what development pressures can be sustained without major road upgrading.  She also provided a copy of the community attitude survey which had been developed in 1994 for their review.  It was determined that the Board needed to begin the work to update the master plan.  Victoria Davis said she would like to budget for this work, and she will have some time to work on it this winter.  Freda Swan expressed an interest in obtaining help from the regional planning office as they have the resources for master planning, and they could help complete the plan in a timely manner.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for August 26, 2004:

7:30    Approve minutes for meeting of August 12, 2004
7:40    continued Bailey Major Subdivision
8:40    Lyme Nursery School informal meeting
9:00    Crossroads Academy gravel pit restoration informal meeting
Other Business:
        Transportation Chapter – Master Plan
        Ridgeline and Hillside Conservation District delineation
        Community Attitude Survey for Master Plan
        Subdivision Regulations Amendments & Hearing
        Driveway Regulations Amendments & Hearing