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Planning Board Minutes 2004/06/24
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
June 24, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present: Dave Swanz, Dan Karnes, Jack Elliott, Dick Jones   Absent:  Freda Swan, Jeanie McIntyre, Pete Bleyler, Dan Brand, Vickie Davis
Public:  Todd Wagner

Dave Swanz opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.  He appointed Dan Karnes to sit in for Jeanie McIntyre.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Dan Karnes noted that the minutes of the June 10, 2004 meeting erred in saying that he was present. (In actuality, he was part of the band for a school performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in Barnard that night.) Jack Elliott made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Todd Wagner Informal Meeting: Todd Wagner presented a survey of property he owns together with his sister on Washburn Hill Road. They wish to pursue a minor subdivision of the 56-acre parcel, marking off a lot on which the existing house sits to sell, and keeping the rest. Dick Jones offered a number of suggestions to follow in order to ensure the process goes smoothly and expeditiously. He pointed out that it would probably be necessary to delineate more than the minimum 5 acres allowed in this zone, as deductions for various Conservation Districts existing within the proposed parcels will need to be taken into account. Dave Swanz noted the scenic restrictions along Washburn Hill Road will impact any new utility access. Jack Elliott pointed out that a percolation test pit would be necessary on the remainder lot, as part of the requirements to ensure that it is a buildable lot. Members of the board advised that the more complete the submitted application, the quicker the process will go, and suggested that Todd work closely with the Planning and Zoning Administrator to make sure all requirements are met.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Submitted by
Daniel Karnes,
Planning Board Alternate