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Planning Board Minutes 2004/06/10
Lyme Planning Board Meeting
June 10, 2004

Board Members & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Jeanie McIntyre, Dave Swanz, Jack Elliott, Dan Karnes, Jesse Seaman  Absent:  Dan Brand, Pete Bleyler, Victoria Davis

Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.

Item 1:  Approval of minutes from the 4/8/04 meeting: Motion to approve with changes made by Jack Elliott.  Dave Swanz seconded the motion and a unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Approval of Minutes from the 5/13/04 meeting: Motion to approve as written made by Jeannie McIntyre.  Dave Swanz seconded the motion and a unanimous agreement followed.

Item 3:  Nomination of Freda Swan as Chairperson:  Motion made by Dave Swanz, seconded by Jeanie McIntyre, and a unanimous agreement followed.

Item 4:  Nomination of Dave Swanz as Vice Chairperson:  Motion made by Freda Swan, Jack Elliott seconded, and a unanimous agreement followed.

Item5:  Ramsdon Lot line adjustment:  Motion to continue until 9/3/04 made by Jack Elliott, seconded by Dave Swanz, and a unanimous agreement followed.

Item 6:  Shawn Goerke Informal Discussion:  Mr Goerke, of 123 River Rd., wants to start a towing company and store the 2 trucks he will need on his property.  He asked about putting in a second driveway or expanding his existing driveway, to accommodate the needs.  The board told him to return with a sketch of what he wants to do, define what traffic impact his business will have, and ask Chief Fields to review the sketch to see if there are any safety problems.  Mr. Goerke asked the board’s opinion about keeping towed vehicles on his property during periods of time when his storage lot, in Norwich, is closed.  The board told him there are concerns about fluids leaking from damaged vehicles and what visual impact these vehicles will have of the abutters.  

Item 7:  Crossroads Informal Discussion:  A representative from Crossroads wanted to know if the Academy needed any board approval, to build a foot bridge, across a stream, to the hiking trails being developed.  He was told that since the bridge was in the existing site plan, nothing additional is needed from the board.  Crossroads also inquired about selling 4 or 5 building lots.  The board told them, they would have to present a subdivision plan if the land is to be sold, but Crossroads could build homes themselves and rent them if they were looking for revenue.

Item 8:  Skiway Informal Discussion:  Doug Holler informed the board that the state of NH is requiring the Skiway to modify their septic lagoon to conform to the state’s requirements.  This will involve increasing the height of the freeboard surrounding the lagoon.  To accomplish the work, there may be some intrusion into the surrounding wetlands.  When more precise information about this project is available, the board will be informed.  

Item 9:  Pre-School Informal Discussion:  Lloyd Nichols and Julie McCutcheon asked the boards view of building a pre-school on an existing and unused, ¾ acre lot, owned by Mr. Nichols.  The board expressed concern about the traffic impact along Rte. 10, when the children are dropped off and picked up, as well as the amount of land truly needed for all of the needs of the school.  One suggestion was for Mr. Nichols to increase the acreage to 3 acres.  The board asked for a sketch of how the land will be used if the plan is to be fully considered.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Submitted by,
Jesse Seaman