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Planning Board Minutes 2004/05/13
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
May 13, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present: Freda Swan, Jeanie McIntyre, Dan Karnes, Jesse Seaman, and Victoria Davis  Absent: Dave Swanz, Pete Bleyler, Jack Elliott, and Dan Brand
Public: None

Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:30 pm.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  The Board tabled review of the minutes of the April 8, 2004 meeting until more board members are present.

Item 2: Hillside & Ridgeline District Discussion:  Victoria Davis distributed copies of Hillside & Ridgeline District regulations from Pomfret, Woodstock, and Hartland, Vermont and Newbury, New Hampshire.  The Board discussed the inadequacies of Lyme’s current language, and the Board will revise this section of the zoning ordinance for next year.

Item 3: Subdivision Regulations Amendments:  Victoria Davis pointed out that the federally required flood plain language is now in the subdivision applications which are not part of the regulations.  These sections should be placed within the regulations.  Also, federally required stormwater language will be required, but there is no model language available yet.  Freda Swan wondered if a Maryland manual for best management practices might be referenced in the regulations.  Victoria Davis said Sandy Crystal of the NH Wetlands Bureau has said the “green book” now referenced in the zoning ordinance is outdated, and there are better stormwater/erosion control methods.  She will look into a better reference including the Maryland manual.

Jeanie McIntyre noted some of the definitions in the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations vary.  Section 2.12, the definition of “driveway” says an access is a driveway if it serves not more than two dwellings.  This is a problem if there are accessory dwellings, so this part of the definition will be struck.  Discussion about the difference between “lot,” “tract,” and “parcel” determined that the term “lot” should consistently be used.  A definition of “lot line agreement” will be added.

There is a question about the term, “minor lot line adjustment” in the section 3.10 of the regulations which came from RSA 676:4 I. e. (1) & (2).  What is minor?  There was much discussion about buildable versus nonbuildable and the past decisions of the Planning Board approving lots which have not been proved to be buildable by test pit analysis.  This will be discussed further when more members are available.  Freda Swan and Victoria Davis will try to meet with the NH Subsurface Bureau Administrator to the review our zoning and subdivision regulations regarding septic systems.  

Jeanie McIntyre pointed out there is a broad definition of “outdoor recreation” which includes intensive recreational uses such as ATV and field sport use.  She is concerned these uses are allowed in the conservation districts.  This will be discussed when more board members are available.

Item 4: Other Business:  The Driveway Regulations need to be amended.  Ben Kilham has asked that the Board consider shortening the site distance requirements on dead-end roads.  Freda Swan submitted her proposed changes to the regulations to Victoria Davis for further revision.  This will be taken up at Planning Board meeting at the end of June.

Jeanie McIntyre stated she had a discussion with a Conservation Commission member who wondered if the town boards would want more input from the Commission regarding impact to natural resources in planning and zoning decisions.  The Board determined they could change the zoning ordinance to provide the ZBA should request comments from the Commission during relevant cases.  Victoria Davis pointed out the Commission might need more support to obtain more funding from the Town.  Right now they have a miniscule budget to educate its members.

The Board briefly discussed the Wayne Pike residential/business buildings on Main Street.  They would like Town Counsel advice to determine what authority they have for uses approved by the ZBA before Site Plan Review Regulations were adopted.  Also, Jeanie McIntyre pointed out he has more units than is allowed.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

No meeting anticipated for May 27, 2004

Tentative Meeting Agenda for June 10, 2004:
7:30    Approve minutes for April 8 and May 13, 2004
7:40    Dick & Sally Ramsden Continued Lot Line Adjustment Hearing
8:00    Crossroads Academy (Phil Harrison) informal discussion to sell residential rights for Planned Development
8:30    Dartmouth Skiway (Doug Holler) information discussion about snowmaking and lifts