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Planning Board Minuted 2004/04/08
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
April 8, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present: Freda Swan, Jeanie McIntyre, Pete Bleyler, Jack Elliott, and Dan Brand   Absent:  Dave Swanz and Dan Karnes
Public:  Jesse Seaman, Garry Thrasher, and Julie McCutcheon

Freda Swan opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.  She appointed Dan Brand to sit in for Dave Swanz.  Jack Elliott had not completed his swearing in as a full member, so the Board determined he was still an alternate.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Pete Bleyler made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2004 meeting.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2: Lyme Public Works Facility Building Committee Informal Meeting:  Freda Swan stated she would present the proposed highway garage subdivision proposal on behalf of the Public Works Facility Building Committee.  She stated the Highway Garage must be subdivided from the Highland Cemetery due to State laws about cemeteries.  She added they had planned the layout to be outside any conservation districts.  Jeanie McIntyre stated she did not want to go through a formal lengthy procedure since the Town can obtain a municipal exemption to avoid the subdivision and site plan review hearings.  She added the Transfer Station would be a major focus of a site plan review due to the substantial traffic, but it is a temporary location.  She also added that past public facilities had gone through the process because there were concerns from the neighbors that were best aired in the public.  In the case of the Highway Garage, there have already been public hearing under different forums, and the Town voted at town meeting to proceed with this project.  Board members also pointed out that the use of the property would not be changing even though the garage building would be larger.  After much discussion, the Board recommended that the Committee seek a municipal exemption from the Selectboard to proceed with the subdivision and development of the new Highway Garage.

Item 3: Lyme Congregation Church Informal Discussion:  Garry Thrasher came to represent the church in considering the subdivision of their lot on Route 10 (Map 201, Lot 54).  Julie McCutcheon attended as a representative of the Lyme Nursery School which is interested in building a new school on Tract II of the lot.  Tract I of the lot is 18 acres which is located both in the Lyme Common District and the Rural District on the west side of Route 10.  It is an odd horseshoe configuration with two short road frontages on Route 10.  Tract II of the lot is 14 acres on the east side of Route 10 and is quite long (approximately 2,500’) and narrow (approximately 230’) which was given to the church as a wood lot many years ago.

Garry Thrasher stated the church has an offer from an abutter to purchase a large portion of Tract I.  The church parsonage is located on this tract in the Lyme Common District, and an area could be broken off from the remainder and still probably be a conforming lot within the Lyme Common District.  The buyer told Garry that they might put a house on the land they wish to purchase from the Church, but had no interest in developing it further.  This portion of the lot has less than the required 300’ of frontage on Route 10 (a requirement in the Rural District); any development would have to rely on the road frontage on East Thetford Road from the adjoining land.  This land could not be used as a lot by itself due to the lack of adequate road frontage.  In addition, Tract II would have to be included in this lot line adjustment, annexed to another property, or made into a conservation lot.  Tract II is not considered a buildable lot by the Planning Board due to the lack of road frontage and its narrowness.  

Item 4: Appointment of Jesse Seaman, Alternate:  Jesse Seaman expressed continued interest in becoming a Planning Board alternate.  Jack Elliott made a motion to appoint him.  Dan Brand seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agendas:

April 22, 2004

May 13, 2004
7:30 PM         Approve minutes of 4-9-04 meeting.
7:40 PM         Board review of Subdivision Regulations