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Planning Board Minutes 2004/02/12
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
February 12, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Jeanie McIntyre, Pete Bleyler, Jack Elliott, Dan Karnes, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis   Absent:  John North
Public:  Simon Carr

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Dave Swanz made a motion to approve the minutes of January 22, 2004.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 2  Review of Maps Provided by the RPC:  Freda Swan stated the town had provided the information for these maps in 1999 when the RPC staff came around asking for information.  The Board reviewed the three maps: 1.) a regional map of unfragmented lands; 2.) a map of conserved lands, source water protection areas, and rare species and communities; and 3.) a map showing conserved lands, sites on National Register of Historic Places, and sites identified by the town as resource priorities for protection.  It was asked that the latter map be marked up for corrections and returned.  Jeanie McIntyre expressed concern that this map could be misused as an official list of priority concerns when the compilation of the information is rather informal.  It was noted that no historical sites were shown in Lyme Center.  Freda Swan asked Victoria Davis to obtain the original list of important sites which was compiled to make this map.  It was determined that this was an informal information source to be used by the RPC to show that towns do have concerns about resource conservation, and a meeting with the Conservation Commission was not necessary.  Dave Swanz suggested that the RPC should remove the word “priorities” from the map.

Item 3: Master Plan:  Victoria Davis stated she would be helping the Conservation Commission to do a natural resources inventory which could evolve into the natural resources chapter of the master plan.  Dan Brand stated he would work with Dick Jones to revise the transportation chapter which Dick had written.

Item 4: Planning Board Alternate Appointments:  Simon Carr was attending the meeting to introduce himself and express his interest in being appointed as an alternate to the Board.  Since John North will be leaving, and Jack Elliott will run to take his place, there will be an alternate position available.  Freda Swan pointed out that the Board could have more than three alternates, so there was no need to wait until after town meeting to appoint an alternate.  Pete Bleyler made a motion to appoint Simon Carr as Planning Board alternate for a three year term beginning March 1, 2004.  Jeanie McIntyre seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

Item 5: Zoning Board of Adjustment Appointments:  Victoria Davis explained that a ZBA member had stepped down, and the Selectboard had appointed Alan Greatorex, Alternate to take his place.  This will leave an alternate position open.  It is also the end of Tim Callaghan’s term as ZBA alternate.  The Board determined that since Tim Callaghan had not attended many ZBA meetings, they preferred to appoint someone who had more time for the alternate’s commitments.  Jeanie McIntyre made a motion to appoint Margot Maddock and Marcia Armstrong as ZBA alternates.  Dave Swanz seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Margot Maddock will complete Alan Greatorex’s term which ends March 2005, and Marcia Armstrong will begin a three year term April 1, 2004.

Also, Walt Swift’s term as ZBA member expires at the end of March.  Jeanie made a motion to re-appoint Walt to another three year term.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

The Board requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Walt Swift for his many years of dedicated service on the ZBA.  They also requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Tim Callaghan for having served as an alternate.

The Board determined not to meet again until March 25th since there are no items on the agenda at the moment, and town meeting will be held at the beginning of March.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for March 25, 2004:

7:30 PM         Approve minutes of the February 12, 2004 meeting
7:40 PM         Review Subdivision Regulations for Amendments
8:10 PM         Review “priority list” used to make the RPC priority map
8:40 PM         Discuss the Transportation Chapter of the Master Plan