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Planning Board Minutes 2004/01/22
Lyme Planning Board Minutes
January 22, 2004

Board Member & Staff:  Present:  Freda Swan, Dave Swanz, Pete Bleyler, Dan Karnes, Jack Elliott, Dan Brand, and Victoria Davis  Absent:  Jeanie McIntyre and John North
Public:  Simon Carr, Tony & Sue Ryan, Harvey Brotman, Allan Newton, and Roland Smith

Freda opened the meeting at 7:30 pm and appointed Jack Elliott to sit for Jeanie McIntyre and Dan Karnes to sit for John North.

Item 1: Approval of Minutes:  Pete Bleyler made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2004 meeting.  Dan Karnes seconded the motion, and unanimous approval followed.

Item 2: Zoning Amendment Hearing:  Freda Swan opened the public hearing at 7:40 pm.  She asked Dave Swanz to review the zoning amendments for public comment.  

Amendment #3 - There was some discussion about the difference between road setback and road frontage.  No other significant public comment.

Amendment #4 – Harvey Brotman stated Lyme is becoming overly developed, and this amendment will encourage further development of inadequate vacant lots.  Freda Swan responded the existing non-conforming lots can be developed as they are, and the amendment will allow a better situation for development.  Harvey Brotman suggested that the allowed annexation be a percentage of the existing lot.  Freda Swan responded the Board had considered several alternatives to the one acre annexation provision and felt it was the best option.  Sue Ryan added any vacant non-conforming lot could be developed by a variance since they have the right to build on it even if it is very small and an annexation would be an improvement.  Allan Newton stated he agreed with the amendment.  The Board determined to slightly modify the language of this amendment (the new section 8.32) with the help of the public.  It was determined this was a minor and not a substantive change.

Amendment #5 – No significant public comment.

Amendment #6 – The Board discussed that this change now allowed a zoning easement, but not a conservation easement.  It was determined this could not be changed at this point without eliminating the entire housekeeping amendment.  Freda Swan asked that this be put on the list for next year.  Victoria Davis provided a minor change suggested by Colin Robinson in the “Cottage Industry” definition.  She added she needed to change the “source” of the wetlands vegetation.

Item 3: Zoning Amendment Deliberation:  Jack Elliott made a motion to put Amendment #3 on the ballot.  Pete Bleyler seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Freda Swan made a motion to put Amendment #4 on the ballot with the minor change.  Dan Karnes seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Pete Bleyler made a motion to put Amendment #5 on the ballot.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.  Dan Karnes made a motion to put Amendment # 6 on the ballot with the minor changes.  Jack Elliott seconded the motion, and unanimous agreement followed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Submitted by,
Victoria Davis
Planning & Zoning Administrator

Tentative Meeting Agenda for February 12, 2004:  

7:40    Dartmouth Skiway, replace and move ski lift