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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2008/02/12
February 12, 2008

Present: Frank Bowles, Pete Bleyler, Jay Smith, Carole Bont, Patty Jenks, Don Metz

Absent: Freda Swan, Mike Woodard, Tish Smith, Tony Pippin, Judy Brotman

The committee met at the Fire House beginning at 11:30.

The minutes of the committee meeting February 5, 2008 were not approved, pending further attendance and discussion.

Don indicated that fundraising efforts are coming along very well and the fundraising campaign managers are very comfortable with where they are at.

No word yet on R. Clark appraisal. Don will check into this.

Members strategized about upcoming Public Hearing with Budget Committee scheduled for this evening.  Committee will go prepared to present issues as we have been doing at all other hearings and neighborhood meetings.  Jay will address any monetary issues that come up.

It was decided the booklet that Judy, Freda & Patty worked on might be obsolete at this point, and will be kept on the “back burner” for the time being.  If needed as a supplemental handout it can be updated, but committee members present felt that the letter and other supporting documents currently being used and distributed are sufficient to answer questions and more up-to-date.

Members will meet at the school cafeteria at 6:45 pm this evening for Budget Committee meeting.  Out next meeting will be held Tuesday February 19th at the Fire Station beginning at 11:30 am.

Submitted, in Freda’s absence,

Patty Jenks