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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/09/25
SEPTEMBER 25, 2007

Present: Freda Swan, Judy Brotman, Jay Smith, Tony Pippen, Patty Jenks, Don Metz, Frank Bowles, Carole Bont, Tish Smith

1)      The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM.
2)       The minutes of September 18, 2007 were accepted.
3)      Don reported that he had talked to Bayne Stevenson who has purchased Tuckaway Timber and says that he has no immediate plans for it other than to store his boats in it.  He also said that he favored Ray Clark’s Recreate property for the building.
4)      Frank reported that Mike had told him that the bank had turned down $500,000 for the Alden Inn property.
5)      The Committee agreed that we would share the appraisal of the Recreate property with Ray.
6)      Discussion followed on the Barrowes property.  The septic is not in good condition, the soils are quite wet, there is a 15 foot difference in elevation between Rt.10 and High Street requiring a lot of preparation and there is no building.  So, even though the two properties (Barrowes and Clark) are similar financially,  the Clark property as a working well and septic, a building in good condition to renovate, and the Lila Pike house.
7)      The public meeting will be on Oct. 10.
8)      “Preserving Our Heritage” was suggested as a good slogan.
9)      It was agreed to invite the staff to our meeting next week.
10)      The Committee by unanimous roll-call vote went into non public session under RSA 91-A: 3, II d at 12:15 PM.
11)      At 12:25 PM, the Committee came out of non-public session and by unanimous vote , voted to keep the minutes sealed.
12)     The meeting adjourned at 12:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Freda Swan