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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/09/18
September 18, 2007

Present: Don Metz, Tish Smith, Michael Woodard, Simon Carr, Pete Bleyler, Patty Jenks, Jay Smith, Judy Brotman, Carole Bont

Absent: Frank Bowles, Freda Swan, Tony Pippin,

Meeting was called to order at 11:35 am. Minutes from meeting held September 11, 2007, were approved as submitted with a correction to the spelling of Tish’s name. (My apologies.)

The date of the public meeting was discussed. There was some concern that the proposed date of October 10th would conflict with a budget meeting.  Carole will contact Barney Brannen, Budget Committee Chair to see if he has concerns about this date. It’s her opinion that the budget meeting is actually a sub-committee meeting for the budget committee and therefore unlikely to be of any major conflict with anyone. We will stand with October 10th unless Barney raises any concerns.

Judy Brotman suggested that this public meeting be held in the Town Offices, rather than elsewhere, so that people may actually see what the space issues are.  Carole shared that this might be considered “grandstanding” by some.  It is the committee’s opinion that taxpayers are entitled and encouraged to view what their tax dollars are currently supporting.  This would enable a more informed opinion.  Patty was alarmed that having this meeting in the Town Offices would be considered anything other than an invitation to see what all the fuss is about.  Given the multitude of comments and concerns about current conditions that have come forth by employees and taxpayers alike, and the amount of time that has been spent trying to provide all taxpayers with a safer, more efficient point of operations by this committee and others; the possibility that someone would fault this invitation is concerning.  

Mike Woodard made the motion that the public meeting be held at the Town Offices and moved to the school if necessary-(like if a lot of people showed up). Motion was seconded and voiced in the affirmative.

The public notice to be posted was reviewed and revised, yet again, and finally deemed ready to be printed and distributed.  They will be printed in-house and distributed through the clerk’s office, the library, the church newsletter, school newsletter and Lyme Country Store.  

Don Metz indicated he’s spoken with the Estes & Gallup crew and it all boils down to regardless of which site is chosen; the minimum cost to acquire a site and create a new municipal office will be close to 1 million dollars.  E&G’s opinion was that the proposed building as currently proposed is a very basic, no-frills and easy to build unit.
Determining the cost of the vault is a challenge until dimensions and layout are determined.

The web-page remains a work in progress.

Patty and Dick attended the open house at the Katz-Rhodes home on Dartmouth College highway.  While a beautiful property (and the accessory building would be a perfect start) the property is not in the desired location and would not be an easy retro-fit project.

Don called the Marks’ (Union Street). He’s not heard back from them yet.

Pete Bleyler will be away for the next month.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted~  in Freda’s absence,

Patty Jenks