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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/08/14
AUGUST 14, 2007

Present: Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Patty Jenks, Simon Carr, Freda Swan, Carole Bont, Tish Smith, Mike Woodard

1)      The meeting was called to order at 11:35 AM.
2)      There was a discussion of the letter to be sent to the people in the Common District plus.  It was decided that the letter should be brief and included the following information: a) the size of the lot and building b) size of parking  c) the need for it to be handicapped accessible  d) structural suitability.
3)      At 11:45 AM, after a unanimous roll call vote, the Team went into non-public session under RSA 91-A 3, II d to discuss appraisals and proposed sites.
4)      At 11:55 AM, by a unanimous roll call vote, the Team came out of non-public session and voted to keep the minutes sealed.
5)      The Team discussed the meeting with the Lyme Foundation  which will emphasize that they will be asked for money and their input.
6)      Jay Smith has developed a trial web-page, www.LymeTownOffice,org at $75 for 3 years.
7)      Possible people to chair the fundraising would be Jennifer Cooke, Mike Smith, Dick Ramsden, and Nancy Dwight.
8)      The Team discussed the possibility of tearing the Alden Inn down except for the front façade.  Also, antigues could be used in the office and historic records in the vault.
9)      The meeting adjourned at 12:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Freda Swan