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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/07/17
JULY 17, 2007

Present: Tony Pippin, Freda Swan, Carole Bont, Patty Jenks, Tish Smith, Frank Bowles, Simon Carr, Jay Baker, Mike Woodard

1)      The meeting was called to order at 11:30 AM.
2)      The minutes of July 10 were approved.
3)      Tish related some comments made by a citizen suggesting that we use the Long River Studio space as they were moving.  It was not felt that this was a viable location because of lack of parking, not enough space and no place to build a vault.
4)      There was general discussion with no decisions made.
5)      Fund Raising was discussed.  It was believed that only pledges could be gotten before Town Meeting, that a totally volunteer committee should be the people involved in doing it and that the money raised would be for new construction,  not for the purchase of the property.
6)      Mike reported that he had conversed with the appraiser.  Discussion followed concerning the difficulty of appraising this property because there were no comps in town.
7)      Mr. Provan’s visit was discussed and it was felt that it would be better not to specifically invite others to join us.  It was decided to meet with the Budget Com specifically to get their input.
8)      It was agreed to make Tom Hunton  an ex officio member and make Jay Baker a regular member.
9)      Next week we will discuss the questions that arose in Don’s and Simon’s meeting with Those Guys.
10)     The meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted
Freda Swan