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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/03/20
Town Offices Building Committee
March 20, 2007

Present: Peter Bleyler, Carole Bont, Freda Swan, Tish Smith, Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Mike Woodard, Simon Carr

Pete Bleyler called this meeting to order at 11:35 in the Fire House Conference Room.

The minutes of the meeting held February 22, 2007 were approved as submitted.

1.      The committee in attendance reviewed the events and outcome of Town Meeting.  One message that seemed clear is that the voters want more information about what’s being done/considered and they want input.  This committee felt we should consider frequent (perhaps monthly) public meetings to which all would be welcome to learn of progress (or not) being made.
2.      In addition there should be frequent written communications sent to taxpayers.
3.      Another message received via Town Meeting is that the Tuckaway Timber site has to be revisited, yet again.
4.      Simon Carr replaces Dick Jones on this committee as the Selectmen’s representative.  He presented a draft of proposed changes to the Building Committee Charge. The basis for the proposed change directs the Selectmen to focus on the short-term office needs and the Building Committee to focus only on the long-term solution.
5.      Pete Bleyler asked the committee if they felt we should resign our post and require the Selectmen to appoint new members.  Despite our frustration with the considerable amount of time and energy spent by all members of the committee with what appears to be lack of understanding on behalf of voters, and the instinctive urge to bail out, it was agreed that this would counter-productive to the cause and we should hang in there.  Members who have not attended meetings regularly will be asked if they feel they can stay on and participate or if they would like to be replaced.  At least two people have expressed interest in sitting on this committee.  
6.      It was agreed that we would take a bit of a hiatus, waiting until May 1st to regroup and hold another formal meeting.  Meanwhile, all the sites previously considered will be revisited by one or more members and they will report back findings in May.
7.      When the committee gets going again all contractors will be invited to attend and contribute to the discussions. Many of them had constructive and thoughtful things to say both at the public hearings and town meeting.  This committee would like and appreciate continued expertise.
8.      The next meeting will be May 1st at 11:30 am.

Patty Jenks