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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/03/12
Town Offices Building Committee
March 12, 2007

Present:  Carole Bont, Frank Bowles, Patty Jenks, Dick Jones, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Freda Swan, and Michael Woodard

Absent: Pete Bleyler, Tony Pippin Sr., Tom Hunton

Don Metz called the meeting to order at the Art Gallery Room in the basement of the Lyme Library.

1.      The committee discussed the recent e-mail communications received on the Lyme List Serve and the preparations for town meeting tomorrow.

2.      Don Metz explained that he had responded to Hebe Quinton’s e-mail which suggested that she had trouble understanding the differences between the two sites and asked for “an apples to apples comparison”.  Don said that he had tried to give it to her.

3.      Tish Smith brought up Jane Fant’s e-mail to the Lyme List Serve.

“Two observations that might be of interest in connection with the coming debate:

Lyme residents who want the town offices to remain on or near the Common may not know that another potential site is Ray Clark's Recreate property on High Street. The Town Office Committee's Public Minutes of Feb. 6, 2007, contain this reference:

"Don Metz mentioned a visit he had with Ray Clark concerning the Recreate property. Ray is still open to working with the Town if the Town wanted to use this property and has indicated it, too, could be used temporarily."

“At the point when I left the committee in February, this possibility had not been explored in as much detail as other options.”

“Article 8 authorizing a bond sale to build new town offices is not currently tied to any specific property or location. If it passes as written, the offices will almost surely be built on the UVLT lot south on Rt. 10 as the most expedient option. However, if the Article passed as written but -- for whatever reason -- the offices were not built on the UVLT site, the select board could choose another location without another vote by town residents. Or, if there was a vote at a special meeting, it is my understanding that it would not be binding.”

4.      Don Metz said he had responded to this e-mail as follows:

“Clarification needed:  While it is true that discussions have been held with Ray Clark regarding his Recreate property as a potential site for the town offices, please understand that these discussions are exploratory only. It would be premature to conclude anything at this time regarding that site.”

5.      Don, Tish and Dick discussed the fact that the Town could vote to stay with the final gross amount of the bond at $1,750,000 and then amend the article to direct the Selectmen to buy the Tuckaway Timber property.  They also discussed the fact that such a vote would not be binding on the Board of Selectmen – merely advisory.

6.      We discussed the possibility of the Selectmen signing a long term lease and the complications involved with doing so, needing town meeting authorization.  We discussed the possibility proposed by Bob Coyle to rent the back of his pizza parlour, sharing common bathrooms.  We discussed the logistical problems with work flow when the working files are in the basement and the offices are on the second floor in addition to problems with ½ of the offices are downstairs and ½ of the offices are upstairs.  We discussed the questions about the structural integrity of the building.  We discussed the problems associated with being a renter and having no windows on two sides of the first floor office space.  We discussed the parking.  We discussed the fact that the town meeting could not turn a bond warrant article to purchase land and construct a building into a warrant article into a long term lease.

7.      We discussed the need to focus on the fact that the UVLT project is the most viable and economical solution to the town offices problem and what we needed to present at town meeting.

8.      We discussed the e-mails from Pete Bleyler asking as follows:

a.  E-mail #1

As I was not at the last meeting of our committee, I have a few questions that I need answers to before making the "pitch" at Town Meeting this Tuesday.

1.  I understand that the reduced amount for the bond is $1.38 million.  This is a $500,000 decrease, and I believe $450,000 of this is due to not having the police dept.  Please confirm.  Also, what have we taken out of the design to warrant a further 50k reduction?

2. Geoff got estimates from Estes &Gallup of $675,000 to $700,000 and from Trumbull-Nelson of $700,000 to $750,000.  How do these figures fit in with our $1,380,000?  My notes indicate that our estimates include $800,000 for the building (4,000 sq. ft. at $200 per square foot); also $125,000 for site work.  It appears that the contractors included wells and septic.  Should we further reduce our total figure?

3. Are we all in agreement that annual maintenance costs would be around $5,000?

4. Are we proposing a basement now, or still just a slab?  If we're recommending a basement, what impact does that have on our costs?

5. Carole, please confirm that the currently assessed value of Tuckaway is 393,100.  Was the original amount $410,000?

6. Who is going to make the motion to reduce the amount of the bond from $1,880,000 to $1,380,000?  When should that be done, before or after I make the "pitch?"

7. What else should I have asked you all, but forgot!!!?

b.  E-Mail #2


Sorry that I didn't have everything in one message.  I just noted some notes I jotted down at the public hearing.

1.  Is the UVLT land too wet to build on?  Obviously, the committee believes it is not.  What can we say?

2. Have perc and other engineering activities been conducted on this land?


c.  E-Mail #3

Hello Again,

At Town Meeting, depending on any questions asked, I'd like to ask one of you to respond.  Here's my suggestions:

1. Questions about moving the Police to rented space: Dick
2. Questions about environmental issues in town offices: Dick
3. Ongoing maintenance costs: Geoff
4. Cost estimates (of UVLT or any other): Frank
5. UVLT wet lands problems: Geoff
6. Leasing of Nichols or any other property: Dick
7. Using Nichols (back of building behind Italian restaurant): Don
8. Security of personnel at town office: Patty
9. Safety of town office records: Carole
10. Alden Inn: Mike
11. Moving library to school and using Converse: Tish
12. Recreate: Don
13. Lyme Timber: Mike

Here's the $64 question: With a $650k price tag, do we still think Tuckaway would cost at least $250k more than the UVLT property?  This is a very likely question.


It was decided that a meeting should be held on Tuesday March 6th to finalize details for little town meeting.

Committee members should meet at the Fire Station at 11:30am for this meeting.

Patty Jenks, recorder