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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/01/17
Town Offices Building Committee
January 17, 2007

Present: Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Carole Bont, Frank Bowles, Tish Smith, Tom Hunton, Don Metz, Freda Swan, Patty Jenks
Geoff Thornton, Professional Services

Absent: Tony Pippin Sr., Mike Woodard, Jane Fant

1.      Meeting was called to order at 11:35 in the Fire House Conference Room by Chairman Pete Bleyler.
2.      The approval of minutes of January 10, 2006 was postponed to allow members the time to read them.
3.      Pete gave an update on negotiations with Upper Valley Land Trust (UVLT).~ He met with Jeannie McIntyre (UVLT rep) and the Board of Selectmen this morning.~ Looks like the UVLT is about ready to sign the revised P&S. New details include:
--the 50 ft. ROW has been extinguished;
--the “open area” on the south end of the property remains vague in detail;
--the word “kiosk” has been replaced with “appropriate signage”.

We are still waiting to hear from Town Counsel Walter Mitchell. As soon as he signs off on the P&S, the Board of Selectmen will process.
4.      A discussion of the breakdown of costs associated with the proposed project being presented at tonight’s Budget Committee meeting took place.
Frank Bowles expressed concern that the preliminary figures currently projected are too low and the committee reviewed anticipated steps for the project item by item to determine accuracy.~ This exercise confirmed Frank’s concern and the bottom line to be presented was increase to $1.75 million dollars.~ Itemized details for consideration included in this bottom line figure include:
--Design & Administrative tasks
--Site work (including well, septic, parking lot & landscaping)
--Town/Police office building
--Furniture, filing system and miscellaneous equipment
--Police cruiser garage
--Legal & professional fees
We should also plan on having a “clerk of the works” as part of the operations of the actual construction.~ It remains unclear if this would need to be a paid, impartial position or if a volunteer from town could provide this service on behalf of the town.~ This issue will be investigated further when and if a positive vote is cast to proceed with the project.
5.      Carole will find out what the current bond cost will be to the town.~ It wasn’t stated in the bond package she had with her at the meeting.
6.      Dick Jones recommended and it was agreed that based on the detail and estimated costs determined at this meeting, an estimated cost of 1.75 million dollars will be presented for consideration to the Budget Committee at tonight’s meeting.~ Pete Bleyler has created a Presentation Sheet outlining pro/cons and historical data for the Budget Committee members and any other attendees at the meeting. Geoff Thornton has complied a package of 4 drawings which show the proposed building and layout. Those will be made available also.
7.      To reiterate: As many members as possible should attend the Budget Committee meeting tonight.~ We must also develop a “marketing plan” to alert taxpayers of the Public Hearing scheduled for January 31, 2007 and the proposed plan. Pete will contact the Spectator for a story on the project, Patty will draft a mailing to be sent, the town web-site and Lyme ListServe will be used for advertisement and the school will be asked if they could include a note about the meeting.
8.      Pete suggested that we consider changing our meeting date to Tuesday’s at 11:30 rather than previously scheduled Mondays, as there are people who have to consistently miss the Monday meetings.~ It was agreed to try this.
9.      This meeting was adjourned at 12:40 pm. ~The next scheduled meeting is TUESDAY JANUARY 23, 2007 in the Fire House at 11:30 am.

Patty Jenks, recorder