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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2007/01/03
Town Offices Building Committee
January 3, 2007

Attending: Pete Bleyler, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Frank Bowles, Carole Bont, Tom Hunton, Mike Woodard, Dick Jones, Patty Jenks

Absent: Freda Swan, Jane Fant, Tony Pippin Sr.

1. Pete Bleyer called the meeting to order at 11:30 am in the Fire House conference room.

2. Dick Jones moved to approve the non-public minutes of the December 11, 2006 meeting.  Tish Smith seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.

3. Don Metz presented a proposal for what he and Frank felt would be the most logical way to remodel the Alden Inn.  He estimates the first floor would have about 3700sf--about double what we have now, a bit less than our “best wish”.  The renovation presents a number of difficult issues, not the least of which is money.  In his opinion, the rear section of the building should be removed and rebuilt entirely.  Structurally, the entire building appears to be compromised and both he and Frank Bowles are concerned about the carrying timbers and support system (or lack of) unless significant reinforcements are done.

Both believe that a “perfect partner” (previously referred to as angels) would need to help with anything associated with this project, should the town decide to undertake it.  Described as a complicated project, probably the most expensive option we’ve looked at so far.

There is no further word on purchase price or sale status (Mike Woodward hadn’t arrived yet to fill us in on that yet).  After his arrival he indicated that in fact, nothing had changed.

A quick summary of costs exceeds One Million Dollars and that’s without knowing much of what would need to be done or the purchase price.

Both Pete and Dick feel it’s an option that should be dropped.  However, Tom Hunton felt that there is virtue in the town committing to the preservation of one of its most historical and famous buildings.

After this discussion it was generally felt that indeed, this site is cost prohibitive and saddled with any number of issues which would make it a difficult “sale” to the taxpayers at Town Meeting.

4. Frank Bowles suggested that we should continue pursuing the possibilities of adding a town library to the school site and turning the current library into municipal offices.  This option has been discussed for a number of reasons, and also presents challenges.

5. Don wants us to “think outside of the box we’ve placed ourselves in”.  What about the Tuckaway property?  The potential sale they had lined up fell through and perhaps they’d be willing to renegotiate.

6. Tish Smith mentioned that Jane Fant had been curious about the Bean property at the end of High Street.  This property is minute and would need to be combined with at least one abutting property to be large enough.  There is also a drainage ditch that runs right through the middle of the potential building lot on that area.

7. Dick Jones asked if the estimated purchase/renovation price of the Tuckaway Timber site compared favorably to the purchase of and any new construction on the UVLT site.  We have a P&L in place with UVLT and ethically are we able to consider a different site at this time?

8. Pete Bleyler suggested offering the Mather’s (Tuckaway Timber) $550,000.00 conditional on a full commercial appraisal.

9. It was considered that we may have to actually present two options to the taxpayers at town meeting in order to proceed with this project.  If the Mather’s are agreeable to reopening negotiations that may be the route we take, because of time constraints.

10. Meanwhile, before the next meeting Carole will proceed with getting an Occupational Health inspection done at the current town offices. Air quality remains a serious health concern there.
And Pete will check with Jeannie McIntyre (UVLT) about scheduled meeting times and expectations.

11. The next meeting will be Wednesday January 10th at 11:30am.  Michael Woodard will be away.

12. Dick Jones made the motion to adjourn at 12:50 PM.  Motion was seconded and approved.

Patty Jenks