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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/10/02
Non-public minutes will be distributed at Tuesday's meeting...which I can't attend. (I'll leave them for Carole or Pete to bring up.)
Town Offices Building Committee
October 2, 2006

Attending: Pete Bleyler, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant, Dick Jones, Tony Pippin, Frank Bowles, Mike Woodard

Guest : Geoff Thornton

Pete Bleyler called this meeting to order at 11:35 am.

1.      Pete welcomed Frank Bowles as a new member of this committee.
2.      Geoff Thornton and Frank Bowles presented refined drawings for the Tuckaway Timber proposal.
3.      There was a discussion to organize the public meeting scheduled for this evening. It was decided that proposals and drawings would be presented for both the Tuckaway Timber and the Lyme Timber sites.
Pete will lead the discussion, deferring to Geoff and/or Franks as he deems necessary. Patty will do a reminder blitz to Lymelistserv and as Elise to do one for the website. Set up will be similar to the last public meeting.~ Members will meet at the school cafeteria at 7:00 pm to set up.
4.      Michael Woodard mover to enter non-public session according to RSA:91-A2,II(d), in consideration of the purchase, sale or lease of real property which if discussed in public would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general community at 11:58AM.~ Motion was seconded and approved by roll call vote.
5.      Based on motion made by Pete Bleyler, and seconded by Patty Jenks, the committee reentered public session at 12:30PM.
6.      Pete Bleyler made the motion to keep the minutes of non-public session held 10-02-06 sealed under RSA 91-A:3,II(d) as divulgence of the information would likely render the proposed action ineffective. Motion was voted in the affirmative by roll call vote.
7.      Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.

Patty Jenks, recorder