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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/08/07
Town Offices Building Committee
August 7, 2006

Attending: Michael Woodard, Don Metz, Tish Smith, Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant, Jane Fant, Dick Jones, Pauline Field, Chief of Police

Michael called this meeting to order at 11:35 am in Pete’s absence.

The minutes of meeting held July 10, 2006 were approved as submitted.

1.      Michael reported on the meeting he and Pete had with Tom and Bruce of Armstrong Appraisals.~ Based on the information gathered at that meeting both Mike and Pete felt comfortable authorizing payment to Armstrong Appraisal for the work done on the Upper Valley Trust property.
Mike’s only other comment regarding this issue stems from his concern about the Town of Lyme Assessor being unwilling to offer an official opinion about this when she was quite willing to make comments about the validity and accuracy of the findings.~ So noted.

2.      Mike went on to comment about the Lyme Timber property appraisal.~ Dave Roby has been very willing
to move this process along, however the company he usually uses does not do commercial appraisals at this time. After some discussion and finding out what was available for expendable funds toward this effort, Dick Jones made the motion that Armstrong Appraisals be asked to provide a letter of opinion on the Lyme Timber, Nichols Hardware, and Tuckaway Timber properties at a maximum cost of $600.00 each, leaving the Chair and/or co-chair of this committee able to negotiate terms.~ The motion was seconded and the motion passed.~ Mike will approach Armstrong Appraisals to get this completed as soon as possible.

3.      Patty noted that the only written response received as the result of the letters mailed to four property owners that were being considered came from Dave and Lindy Mather of Tuckaway Timber. Mike amended that while not in writing, Dave Roby has responded verbally with Mike and continues to be willing to work with the Town on this project.
Patty requested permission to acknowledge the Mather’s very timely response and received authorization from the committee. It was confirmed and will be confirmed to the Mather’s that all replies and negotiations are kept strictly confidential.

4.      Don Metz mentioned that Ray Clark had approached him with another option/layout for the property he has on High Street-now known as Recreate.~ We are always interested in options and Don will get back to Ray with this message.

5.      Carole Bont shared a message she had received from Don Dwight concerning the air quality in the Town Office Conference Room. He recently become ill while working there for over an hour and wanted to express his concern over the air conditions in that space.~ While the Facilities Committee isn’t really the power-that-be to be able to correct such issues, these issues definitely support our reason for being and we appreciate knowing about them.

6.      Chief Pauline Field had acquired a booklet “Police Facility Planning Guidelines: Desk Reference for Law Enforcement Executives” about designing and building police stations.~ A copy was given to this committee. She also was concerned that throughout the process of choosing a site to recommend to the Town for consideration, the needs of the Police Department had been shifted to low priority or dropped entirely.~ She was assured that this is certainly not the case and that Police Offices and Processing areas are always considered as part of our considerations.~ Carole noted that she was relieved to hear this as well, as recently she has observed the very difficult situation that the Lyme police personnel are encountering in processing cases as there has been a much increased level of activity in that department.~

7.      Carole was asked to research the current bond rates and deadlines.

8.      This meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM. The next meeting will be announced when it’s determined that we have adequate information to work with to hold an informative and worthy meeting.

Patty Jenks, Recorder