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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/06/26
Town Offices Building Committee
June 26, 2006

Attending: Pete Bleyler, ~Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant,
Tish Smith, Michael Woodard, Tony Pippin, Freda Swan, Don Metz

Pete called this meeting to order at 11:35 am.

The committee reviewed the Public Meeting held June 12, 2006. Carole was commended on her display efforts for this meeting.

The Tuckaway site was revisited, as the result of comments made at the Public meeting and a call Patty received from Lindy Mather.

Carole presented a letter having to do with a right-of-way issue between the State of NH, Nichols Hardware and Albert Pushee.~ This issue might have some impact on the ingress/egress concerns to be considered when working on the Nichols site plan.

Don Metz will follow-up with the Mathers (Tuckaway Timber). If Don and Dave Mather come to an understanding that would be acceptable to warrant further site planning prep work, Don will get authorization from Pete to have Geoff Thornton proceed with putting together plans & feasibility study for this site.

Mike Woodard will touch base with the Nichols family to see how an appraisal is coming along.~ Freda asked if the committee could/should offer the option of a lease/purchase option.~

Pete will contact Curt Vinson regarding obtaining a ROW for the Lyme Timber property.

Tony Pippin will contact the State DOT representative to inquire about procedure in obtaining curb-cut in the proposed ROW.

Michael Woodard moved to enter non-public session per RSA: 91-A:3,II (d) in consideration of the purchase, sale, or lease of real property.
Motion was seconded.
Approved unanimously by roll call vote.

Entered non-public session at 12:15 p.m.

Motion to enter public session at 12:20 p.m.~ Approved by roll call vote.

Carole Bont made the motion that the minutes of non-public session be kept as non-public. This motion was seconded and voted in the affirmative unanimously by voice vote as divulgence of the information would render the proposed action ineffective.

Freda Swan indicated that her position on the Facilities Search Committee might be compromised as she will soon be appointed to the Upper Valley Land Trust Board.~ It was the consensus of those attending this meeting that this would not be a conflict.~ Freda assured the committee that once was appointed to the UVLT committee she would recuse herself from any discussion on either committee concerning the investigation of the UVLT site as a possible location for new municipal offices.

Next scheduled meeting is July 3rd at the Fire house.

Patty Jenks, Recorder~ (with Carole's help~)