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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/05/01
From: Patty Jenks
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 12:46 PM
To: 'Pete Bleyler'; 'Don Metz'; 'richard jones'; 'Letitia Smith';; 'michael woodard'; Carole Bont; 'Geoffrey G. Thornton'; 'Freda Swan'; 'Pippin Sr. Pippin,Sr.'; 'Tom Hunton'
Subject: Facilities Minutes 5/1/06
Town Offices Building Committee
May 1, 2006

Attending: ~Patty Jenks, Town Clerk, Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant,
Tish Smith, Michael Woodard, Pauline Field, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Jane Fant

Guest: Geoff Thornton

There was a last minute change in the meeting location as the Selectmen’s Office did not have support staff in place to cover for Carole if she went to the Fire House. Therefore the committee met in the Town Office Conference Room at 11:30 am.

1.      Pete is in receipt of a letter from the UVLT re: Potential purchase of UVLT land for town offices. (see copy attached to filed minutes). This letter indicates proposed terms for appraisal completion dates, a “hold harmless” clause, communication issues and option agreement to identify timetables and discuss price and terms.
2.      Michael is in receipt of a letter from UVTL (Doug) with accompanying recommendation from Annette Lorraine at UVLT to Armstrong Appraisal & Consulting in Holderness requesting their help in appraising the UVLT site. (see copy attached to filed minutes)
3.      Geoff provided a revision of the Lyme Timber site plans he’d previously worked on, which now includes offices and storage for the Police Department.~ Because of the restricted site in general, the designated police area is smaller than previously proposed in other site plans. There was some discussion with the Police Chief about police offices being with the emergency services area near the fire station or with the municipal government administrative offices.~ When Chief Field was asked which area would make the police chief’s job more efficient and economically operational, she indicated that her interaction with other emergency services was usually on-scene, seldom at the Lyme police/fire station, and she communicated daily, often more than once a day, with the town administrative staff to handle the paperwork and communications necessary to take care of police/public safety issues.
4.      The general feeling was that we may not proceed to another public hearing without the UVLT appraisal information in place, and further communication with Nichols Hardware representatives.~ Pete will chat with one of the Nichols representatives later today.
5.      Michael will follow up with UVLT to organize appraisal & test pits.
6.      Pete recommends getting a commitment from UVLT to hold property until all the above mentioned research and information gathering has been completed.~ They have indicated that should the town not proceed with purchase plans, they will actively pursue a sale to another buyer.
7.      Pete handed out a “survey”, requesting that all committee members fill out a pro/con list for UVLT, Lyme Timber and Nichols Hardware sites and bring the lists to the next scheduled meeting for compilation into a master checklist.
8.      Next meeting will be back at the Fire House (barring further staffing complications) on Monday 5/8/06 at 11:30.

Patty Jenks, Recorder