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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/04/26
Town Offices Building Committee
April 26, 2006

Attending:  Peter Bleyler, Chair, Jane Fant, Tish Smith, Carole Bont, and Michael Woodard

Guest:  Geoffrey Thornton, Architect

Absent:  Don Metz, Tony Pippin, Sr., Patricia Jenks, Dick Jones, Freda Swan

1.      The committee met at Lyme Timber and took a tour of the buildings and grounds with David Roby.
2.      The committee reviewed its impressions of the tour of Lyme Timber.
2.      Michael Woodard reported on his talk with Doug Rexford who is the CEO of the Upper Valley Land Trust.  He asked “What is the price?”  Before we can realistically compare the options available we need to do a financial analysis of the options available.  Before the UVLT can give us a firm price they want to have an independent appraisal performed.  The UVLT has chosen an appraiser.  The appraisal will put this lot on his schedule.  (Armstrong Appraisal & Consulting in Holderness)
3.      Geoffrey Thorton reviewed the rough cost of Lyme Timber and the Upper Valley Land Trust.  He will get the plans for Lyme Timber and any paperwork Michael Woodard got for the site plan and septic system.
4.      There is no additional land on the east end of the lot as the boundary line with Curt Vinson’s property (Lyme Software Sales) is only four feet from the Lyme Timber building.
5.      Rough Cost Comparison of Lyme Timber versus UVLT.
Upper Valley Land Trust Lyme Timber
        $200,000        land    $  50,000       renovate existing 1st floor
        $800,000        upstairs        $500,000        addition
        $300,000        downstairs      $  60,000       renovate upstairs
        $100,000        site work       $150,000        police section
        +        10%                    $100,000        parking, site work & septic
        $1,500,000              $400,000        estimated purchase price
        + $  20,000             +         10%           
        $1,520,000              $1,350,000

Geoffrey estimates that Lyme Timber might be slightly less expensive than a new building, however, these figures are very rough and before we can do any kind of true comparison we need to get some more finely tuned numbers from both Lyme Timber and UVLT.
6.      The committee talked about the pluses and minuses of the two sites.  According to Michael Woodard, David Roby’s deadline for sale is “totally flexible”.
7.      Michael Woodard will follow through with getting the UVLT appraisal and finding out whether we can enter into a “hold harmless agreement  to do some testing on the UVLT property.  The appraisal will take from between 3 and 4 weeks from the time we order the appraisal.
8.      Carole will send Geoffrey Thronton the assessment cards for the fire station and the tax maps for the Lyme Timber lot and the fire station.

Patty Jenks, Recorder