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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2006/01/16

Town Offices Building Committee
January 16, 2006
Attending: Letitia (Tish) Smith, Patricia G. Jenks, Town Clerk and Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant, Pete Bleyler, Don Metz and Tony Pippin Sr., Freda Swan
Pete called the meeting to order at 11:38 at the Fire House.~ There was a review of status of the current office space issues.~
1-The Conference Room has been reconfigured in an effort to control mold and mildew growth against the outside wall.~ For many years that wall has been lined with file cabinets.~ An air quality survey noted that the carpet was being affected by mold growth under the cabinets.~ These have now been rearranged, back to back down the center of the room, effectively dividing the room into two work areas. ~This reconfiguration restricts the available meeting space; therefore all meetings that are not planning or zoning related are to be held off-site until further notice. It was noted that this arrangement helps with moisture issues but it does limit the space available for staff and visitors.
2- It was recommended that the air quality issues continue to be investigated and treated as a priority. Further efforts should be made to correct the operations of the air exchange unit already in place.~ Memphremagog Air/Heat Exchange systems were recommended and will be researched.
3- One option entertained was to learn more about the availability of office space advertised at One Lyme Common and consider relocating the Town Clerk’s Office space there.~ This was considered to be the easiest to move as it operates mostly on a “stand alone basis’ (Not networked internally via computers used for basic operations).~ This move would enable the Bookkeeper and Treasurer to use the old Clerk space and keep all financial operations in the same building. (After a site visit to the One Lyme Common building following the meeting by Pete, Carole, Jane and Patty it was determined that this space would not be suitable for the Clerk’s office as it’s a second floor office with no elevator or handicapped access.)
4- Another consideration was for a more comprehensive cleaning effort in the current offices.~ It was suggested that a professional service be hired to thoroughly clean on an annual basis and that more aggressive, regular cleaning be scheduled.~ Wayne Bates will be asked if he has any time/interest in adding this to his town chores-(he currently cleans the highway garage).
5-Mark Shamon of URS Corp. visited our potential sites to do a cost evaluation for feasibility studies. He will be asked to prioritize and/or recommend options to eliminate.~ Carole will follow up with him.
As the Budget Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday January 18th, Pete asked that as many Facility members attend as possible, understanding that the weather might prohibit good attendance.~ To be presented for consideration at the Budget meeting:
--Rent of One Lyme Common for clerk office;
--Reorganize existing office space & determine/plan for associated costs;
--Continue working on the air quality and more aggressive cleaning in the current offices and
--Budget for rental monies if a move is implemented.
Don suggested that we do a town-wide survey to alert taxpayers that new facilities are needed and being investigated and request input for the plan.~ He’ll work on a first draft.
Next meeting is Monday January 23, 2006 at 11:30 in the Fire House.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Jenks