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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/11/07
Reminder: Next meeting 11/14th at 11:30 in the Fire House
Town Offices Building Committee
November 7, 2005
Attending:~ Freda T. Swan, interim Chair, Michael Woodard, Letitia (Tish) Smith, Jane Fant, Don Metz, Tony Pippin, Sr., Patricia G. Jenks, Town Clerk and Carole A. Bont, Administrative Assistant.
The Meeting opened at 11:30 am with Freda doing the honors as chair, as Peter is away.
Freda reported that she talked with Jeannie McIntyre again about the Upper Valley Land Trust parcel and learned that Jeannie would like to know that this board considers the UVLT property as a serious option before presenting the issue to the full UVLT board.~ Lacking the specifics of what the UVLT would ask for the land presents a problem in determining how seriously we consider the UVLT Land to be an option.~ Freda will get back to Jeannie.
Don spoke again with the Mathers and received from them an outline of their land and building values on Britton Lane as determined by local realtors. (Land $175,000-$400,000; Buildings $90.00-$100.00 per sf to replace: 4032 sf & 1080 sf) for an anticipated replacment cost of $400,000.00).~ Selling price would be $600,000.00.~ This outline suggested financing options and down-payment stipulations.
Don felt that it would cost approximately $100.00/sf to renovate/retrofit the Tuckaway site (Mathers)- (does not include the infra-structure ie: driveway, septic upgrade, parking area etc..).
Mike spoke with Town Councel about the town’s ability to obtain financing and what the Town Meeting vote requirements are.~ Councel advised “to be safe”, that the town have a 2/3 majority vote for entering into a lease/purchase deal.
There was more discussion about the considered options and the relative costs of reconfiguring those sites to meet our needs.~ There was some confusion about the Green Mountain Studio site and whether this board still considered it an option worth pursuing.~ To clarify, Freda asked that the minutes of October 24, 2005 be amended to include Green Mountain Studios/Bev Strout under Options to continue investigating as it appears to have been inadvertently omitted.
It was mentioned that the Church Lot off Route 10 south of Lyme Village might be an option to consider, however there are many issues that make this seem like an option not worth pursuing.
Carole advised the board that there is currently $107,000.00 in the Public Land Acquisition Fund (as of Dec. 31, 2004).~~ We should also keep in mind there would be costs associated with title searches and feasibility studies. It was confirmed that Carole will ask for up to $25,000.00 to be included in the budgeting process for 2006 Town Meeting.
Freda expressed her desire that the committee just go to the town with two options.~ The following tasks were assigned to members of the committee to do before next week’s meeting:
a.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ James Jenks’ Derby Mountain storage gravel pit:~ Michael Woodard will speak with James Jenks about whether he would be amenable to subdividing off the front part of his pit and selling it to the town to annex to the Fire Station lot and at what cost.~ Don Metz expressed some concern with problems in connection with compaction of refilled gravel pits.
b.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David Mather’s Tuckaway Timber:~ Don Metz has a proposal from David Mather, in writing, with potential terms and conditions and a suggested price of $600,000 or the appraised value, whichever is greater.
c.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beverly Strout’s Green Mountain Studios:~ Michael Woodard will speak with Earl Strout about what possible price Earl would have to get to be willing to part with the Green Mountain Studios property.~ Michael was going to try to get it in writing.
d.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upper Valley Land Trusts 3.3 acres on Route 10 with cellar hole on it:~ Freda Swan will ask UVLT Director Jeannie McIntyre to ask the Board of Trustees of the UVLT if they would be willing to consider a sale price of $87,000 ( the appraised value of the 3.3 acre lot).
  • The next meeting is scheduled to meet on Monday, November 14th at 11:30 AM in the Fire Station Training Room on High Street.~ Pete Bleyler will still be on vacation and Freda Swan will chair again.
  • The meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Jenks & Carole A. Bont