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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/10/31
Reminder: Next meeting 11/7 at 11:30 in the Fire House
PO Box 342
38 Union Street
Lyme, NH 03768
Phone~795-2535~~~~~~~~ Fax~795-4637
Minutes 10-31-05
11:30 am Lyme Fire House Conference Room
Present:~ Peter Bleyler, Don Metz, Jane Fant, Freda Swan, Patty Jenks, Carole Bont and Tish Smith.
Michael Woodard and Tony Pippin Sr. were unable to attend this meeting.
Pete opened the meeting and asked Carole to present the informational details she had provided.~ They included:
--A grouping of tax maps detailing the properties being considered for Town Office/Police Dept. sites.~ The detail Carole outlined on these maps was especially helpful in determining acreage, location and abutters.
--She also provided a detailed outline of existing issues/problems/concerns with the current space and a briefer summary sheet of the same.
Carole will continue researching the town’s ability to have a mortgage and other financing issues such as lease/purchase arrangements.~ She’ll also copy assessment cards on all the considered properties.~ Placing a call to Elise she learned that the current assessments on the properties we’re discussing are as follows:
--Mather: $259,500
--Green Mountain Studios $805,300
--Clark: $339,400
Michael reported via Carole and Patty that his conversation with the Mather’s was positive.~ They are willing to consider a lease/purchase arrangement; however the deal would have to be within the next year or so.~ They want to move ahead with a transaction with someone, one way or the other as soon as possible.
Don talked again with Ray Clark who is also willing to discuss further the Recreate site and maybe help with options on other sites as well.
Freda will try to touch base with UVLT representatives to get a firmer idea of what kind of deal they would look for if agreeing to work with the town on the Dartmouth College Highway site.
There was a discussion covering many of the basics needed to proceed in an informed and accurate manner for some sort of presentation at Town Meeting 2006.~ The group continues to look at each site carefully and confirmed that while the Green Mountain Studio hasn’t been discussed lately, it remains an option to be considered.
Pete confirmed that the Board of Selectmen has asked Carole to put $10,000 in the budget for a feasibility study; however concerns were expressed that perhaps more should be considered.~
Because Pete has to be away the next couple of weeks, Freda has agreed to be the Vice-Chair of the committee and will chair the next meetings until Pete returns.~ Next meeting is on November 7th at 11:30 am in the Fire House.
This meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Patty Jenks