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Town Offices Bldg Committee 2005/10/17
Reminder: Next meeting 10/24 at 11:30 in the Fire House
PO Box 342
38 Union Street
Lyme, NH 03768
Phone~795-2535~~~~~~~~ Fax~795-4637
Minutes 10-17-05
11:30 am~ Lyme Fire House Conference Room
Present:~ Peter Bleyler, Don Metz, Michael Woodard, Tony Pippin Sr., Jane Fant, Freda Swan and Patty Jenks. ~Carole Bont~ and Tish Smith were unable to attend this meeting.
Pete opened the meeting at 11:35 am and asked that the sub-committees assigned at the last meeting share their findings:
Don Metz (Group B-Don, Patty & Jane) presented and reviewed his sketch of existing office space (in the Library building identifying square footage at this time) and what and who are currently housed there.
Patty (also Group B) presented an overview of current office usage and equipment, files and traffic flow. She mentioned that since the last meeting a monitor has been installed across the parking lot entrance to count vehicle traffic and employees are counting foot traffic into each office area.
Michael (Group A-Michael, Carole & Tish) reviewed a list of existing problems that need addressing such as safety and security, storage and personnel issues including issues concerning the Police Department.
Peter- (Group C-Pete, Freda & Tony) presented a list of possible alternative sites to consider should the choice be made to move from the existing library site.~ These options are not necessarily for sale at this time. This was an effort to identify sites which might “fit the bill” in the event the owner was open to negotiation.
A lengthy discussion concerning the proposed alternate sites and others not included in Group C’s~ list took place.~ Consideration of the expansion of the existing Fire Station and/or Library building was discussed.
It was decided to place calls to current owners of considered alternate sites to see if there was any interest in a possible negotiation for the purpose of relocating Town Offices for the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held Monday October 24, 2005 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fire House. (We discussed a time change.~ That did not happen. This information is correct per an
~e-mail received from Pete Bleyler via Carole Bont 10-19-05 at 2:00 pm)
This meeting was adjourned at 12:47 pm.
Patty Jenks