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New Town Offices Committee 2009/05/05
Draft Minutes:  May 5, 2009
Approved:  May19, 2009

May 5, 2009

Members Present:  Frank Bowles, Don Metz, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Michael Woodard, Judy Brotman.
Others Present:  Stephen T. Campbell.

The meeting was officially opened at 8:02 am by co-chair Don Metz.

  • The minutes of April 21, 2009 were approved.
  • The meeting of April 28th was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum.
  • The committee reviewed the latest financial graph, dated 5/5/09.
  • The Board of Selectmen has opted to purchase entry area dirt-catcher mats, and hire a cleaning individual at $80/week for the whole building.
  • The storm drain structure was donated, and the cost of the installation will be covered under the landscaping line item.
  • Almost all pledged private contributions to the project have been made.  There is a potential problem with one donor.  Nancy Dwight will be asked to confer with the donor.
  • The phones in the building are working.  
  • Terry Bowen has been asked to evaluate the electric meter, and whether or not there is a “phantom” electricity drain in the new building.
  • Tim Estes is checking on the air-handling equipment.  In operation the equipment is very noisy.
  • The asphalt base coat will be put down later this week or next week.
  • Striping will be applied on the base coat to help with parking organization!
  • Steve Campbell had several library follow-up details:
  • With regard to the panic buttons, the controller will be left at the Library building; the “buttons” will be going to the new town offices.
  • With regard to the contract with Tasco for security, Dina will check on whether it is better to have two separate contracts with Tasco, or one master contract for both buildings (Library and Town offices).
  • With respect to the caller id on the Library phone, Steve will need to contact Fairpoint to change the service identification from “Lyme Town offices” to “Lyme Library”.
  • With respect to fit-up work for the new SAU offices, the Library has scheduled work to begin following the vacating of the Town Clerk’s office and the Selectmen’s office.  The official “move-out date” is still June 8th.  (Work will not begin immediately thereafter, allowing for some lag time in the final removal of everything from the existing offices.)
  • With respect to setting up wireless access at the Library, the Library will need 2 separate access points.  Because the Town will also be needing two wireless access points, Simon will look into whether or not the four should be purchased together or separately.
  • Michael has not heard from Harper Environmental regarding the possible need for additional monitoring wells at the new town office building.  
  • The committee recommends to the Board of Selectmen that Charles Ragan be contracted with to regularly test and maintain the Town and Fire Department generators.
  • Lyndonville will begin installing the “cubbies” tomorrow.
  • The carpeting is installed in the Selectmen’s “wing” – the rest of the carpeting is to be installed shortly.
  • The Chairs for both the Library and the Conference & Meeting rooms have been ordered.
  • Moving date is still scheduled for June 8.
  • Patty Jenks is beginning to gather together the names of all previous new Town Office committees’ members for invitation to the “Grand Opening” gala event.  
  • Added to that list should be all local representatives, as well as past and present Town Clerks.  
  • ???[How about also past and present Board of Selectmen members, and other staff that worked in the “old” town offices?]  
  • The press should be alerted to the event.
  • A probable date for the Opening Gala is Saturday, June 27th .
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 am – with continued conversation about assorted issues after adjournment.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, May 19 at 8 am
        (no meeting next week)