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New Town Offices Committee 2009/02/03
Draft Minutes:  February 3, 2009
Approved:  February 10, 2009

February 3, 2009

Members Present:  Don Metz, Michael Woodard, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Judy Brotman.  
Public:  Steve Campbell

The meeting was officially opened at 8:02 am by Co-Chair Don Metz.

  • The minutes of January 27, 2009 were approved.
  • Don reviewed the floor coverings and wall & trim colors.  
  • Mike will call Ray Burton to see if he can help with getting PSNH to move the main electric service.
  • The plumber has suggested replacing the water tank in the house to try and increase the apparent low water pressure in the new building.  
  • Don reviewed the latest work-up of the office spaces.  The new plan will be presented to the office staff later this morning.
  • Mike updated the committee on the latest with the environmental clean-up work.  
  • $5,900 has been paid by the town for this work.  At this point the state has not reimbursed any funds for the clean-up.  
  • No “clear” letter has been received yet.
  • DES “may” want additional monitoring wells, but it may also be that we can get this requirement waived.  Landscaping should be held off until this issue is resolved.
  • Don suggested that the new town offices be open from 3 pm – 6 pm (or some similar hours) during the afternoon of Town Meeting (March 10).  The committee agreed that this was a good time for folks to be able to see the results of their vote last year.
  • Don and Simon will work on a brief update of the project for the Town Report.
  • We will also try and have some mounted photos of the project at the back of the room at Town Meeting.
  • Steve noted that the Library Trustees are seriously considering converting the present town offices into a meeting room.  They are developing a usage policy for that space and would be glad to share that whenever a policy is developed for the meeting room in the new town building.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 am.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ JLSB
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 8 am