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New Town Offices Committee 2008/10/21
Draft Minutes:~ October 21, 2008
Approved:~ October 28, 2008

October 21, 2008

Members Present:~ Don Metz, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Judy Brotman.  
The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by Co-Chair Don Metz.~~

  • The minutes of October 14, 2008 were approved.  
  • It was clarified that the fire station will have an emergency generator, and the outlook is good for an additional emergency generator at the new Town Offices building.
  • Don has had a discussion with NH DES concerning a possible culvert and driveway reorientation.  Based on the conversation, the recommendation at this time is to leave everything as it is now.
  • Don has not heard back from Bob Eaton (NH District Highway superintendent) on the possible relocation of the Route 10 “cut through” to High Street.
  • Simon asked that Estes & Gallup be requested to provide a monthly reporting of the financial status of the project.  Don will speak to Tim Estes, and also get updated information on the status of our donations accounts.
  • Simon suggested that it is now time to institute a time-line for decision making for the many specific items of the project.  Don will speak to Tim Estes and request they provide a rough time-line which can be updated weekly.
  • The meeting adjourned at 8:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman

Next meeting 8 am, Tuesday, October 28th