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New Town Offices Committee 2008/09/23
Draft Minutes:  September 23, 2008
Approved:  September 30, 2008  

September 23, 2008

Members Present:  Don Metz, Frank Bowles, Michael Woodard, Simon Carr, Jay Smith, Judy Brotman.  Others:  Elise Garrity, Dina Cutting, Francesca Latawiec , Andrea Colgan, Steve Campbell..

The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by Co-Chair Don Metz.

1.      The minutes of September 16, 2008 were approved.
2.      The Board of Selectmen’s office staff was present – Dina, Elise, Francesca, and Andrea.  Steve Campbell was also present representing the Library Trustees.
3.      The staff had several questions that were raised about the proposed layout of the office, as well as several clear work-space “amenities”:
a.      Why are there 2 separate conference rooms?
b.      Staff would like to have a non-public rest room.
c.      Staff would also like to have defined, individual work spaces, with individual file space in each work area.
d.      Also, each staff person would like to have a working window in each staff work space.
e.      Staff would like to see a well-defined public space and public “flow”.
f.      Staff was wondering what security system had been planned for the building?
g.      Will there be air conditioners in the work area?
h.      What about the radiant heat proposal?
i.      What kind of filling system has been designed for the vault area?
j.      What is proposed for the “corridor” space in the office?
4.       Frank, Don and Simon responded to the questions:
a.      These 2 separate conference rooms are for small committee meetings, private meetings, fluid space for various needs.  
b.      Separate bathrooms – can be accomplished as two bathrooms are in the plans, one can be designated “private” or “staff only” and the other can be the public, handicap-accessible space.  
c.      Each staff person will have an individual work area with individual file space.
d.      Each work area will have a working window.
e.      The public spaces and flow-patterns are well defied for both Selectmen’s office and Town Clerk’s offices.
f.      Security system can be as approved by Board of Selectmen.  Monitor unit(s) being used presently can be re-set in new offices.  
g.      The present air circulation system does not call for any air conditioners.  If needed, a split-air circulator can be added to the proposed system.
h.      The heating system is being reviewed by an independent engineering system – presently envisioned is a low level radiant system and individual zones of secondary heating for individual work areas.
i.      Half of the vault will be movable filing systems, one-half the vault will be traditional filing cabinets.
j.      Corridor use is still in the development stage – considering either no corridor use vs. single-loaded corridor with printers, layout tables, etc. on one side of the corridor.
5.      Frank stated that there is plenty of time to refine the details of the office layout.  A foam-core model of the proposed layout should be available in late October, which will help staff visualize their new spaces.
6.      Steve Campbell introduced himself as the Library Trustee representative of the Library Transition Committee.   
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 am.
Respectfully submitted,

Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Next Meeting:  Tuesday, September 30, 2008, at 8 am.