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New Town Offices Committee 2008/08/26
Draft Minutes:  August 26, 2008
Approved:  August  ___, 2008

August 26, 2008

Members Present:  Don Metz, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Michael Woodard, Frank Bowles

The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by Co-chair Don Metz.

1.      The minutes of August 19th were approved.
2.      We need to have the contract changed to correct the architect of record to Jeff Thornton.
3.      We need to change the meeting with the Office Staff from the 9th to the 16th of September. Motion made and seconded. So Voted.
4.      We still have not received any information from the State regarding the oil tank closing. Mike has a call in to Cliff Harper but has not had a reply yet. We need the report on the testing and a letter stating that the tank is closed and clean.
5.      On half of the barn still remains and will likely have to be demolished.
6.      We should have an escrow of $1000.00 for trucking the contaminated soil and may need more if the tank closure is still up in the air. We still do not know how much if any the State will pay towards removing the tank and the test wells. Bill for the wells, monitoring and inspection was sent to Ray and to the State.
7.      Discussed the low temp boiler, radiant heat vs normal high efficiency boiler and base board heat. We are looking at R40/R80 insulation.  Cost savings vs pay back as well as energy efficiency. It is felt that the cost of raising the existing slab to install radiant heat may cancel out any small energy savings down the road. It was decided that Don and Frank would meet with an engineer on Thursday to see if it is possible to come up with some figures to see exactly where each system stands.  Frank will send a letter to Jonathan Heller at Ecotope with all the data on the proposed building and ask him to look at the heating system/energy efficiency.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 am. The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 8 am.
Respectfully submitted,
C. Jay Smith