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New Town Offices Committee 2008/07/15
Draft Minutes: July 15, 2008
Approved: July 22, 2008
July 15, 2008
Members Present: Don Metz, Frank Bowles, Jay Smith, Simon Carr, Judy Brotman
The meeting was officially opened at 8:00 am by Co-Chair Don Metz.
1 The minutes of July 8, 2008 and the site meeting notes of July 10th were approved. (Thank you Jay.)
2 At the July 10th meeting at Recreate the buried oil tank was removed, cleaned, and deposited at the transfer station. The waste oil remainder was deposited in the waste oil tank at the transfer station.
3 The closing date has been extended to on or before August 30, 2008.
4 For mutual consideration, the $2,500/month extension fee has been removed from the Purchase & Sale Agreement. The Clark’s appreciate the Town’s efforts to assist in the remediation situation at the Recreate property.
5 To date there is no new tenant lease.
6 Estes & Gallup contract is being finalized.
7 Don and Frank will be meeting with Tim Estes to go over the projected costs for the project.
8 Water rights issues are still being resolved.
9 Demolition of the barn is occurring slowly.
10 The monitoring wells are in the process. Very little contamination was found at the site.
11 The Bond money will be available on Thursday, July 17th.
12 No firm construction “start date” has been set yet.
13 Michael will be working on a garage lease for Ray’s use over the winter. End date to be May 1st, 2009.
14 The design review session with the Board of Selectmen staff will be scheduled sometime in mid-to-late August.
15 Simon updated the committee on the Board of Selectmen’s requirements for submission of draft minutes. The draft will be available in 3 days for committee members’ review; the draft will be available for public review in 5 days. Electronic signatures will be valid for the minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 am.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Judith Lee Shelnutt Brotman
Next meeting, Tuesday July 22nd at 8 am.